Thursday, November 17, 2005

Another side

I want to respond to the post my good friend Jan wrote yesterday, November 16, 2005. If you haven't already read it please do so. Thje topic she posted on is about "speaking", the connection between sin and the spoken word. Our good friend Bomba in a post he wrote entitled "Personalities" brougth up this subject and in the comments we had lots to say (check it out). Again, I have lots to surprise there. This is something close to my heart and as it seems close to the hearts of many other christians!

In Jan's post, I recognized a woman who has such a deep love for her Father that she looks deep within herself, yearning to be the best child she can be to her heavenly Father. She might not know the chapter and verse but she understands that God calls us to examine ourselves...2 Corinthians 13:5 "Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith, test yourselves." This to me is a pretty positive sign that she IS growing deeper and deeper in her love and faith with her Saviour and in that growth God can use her words in a multitude of ways. After all we are" to go out into the world and preach the word of God".

She is a woman who has shared with us through her words that she is a sinner, as we all are. But her words to us are that we have to continually go to the cross....we cannot be content with enjoying our sinfulness even for an instant. She lists the obvious speaking offences but goes much deeper...she, and I will use her words, lets the Holy Spirit "plumb the depths of that sinfulness" so that she can beg forgiveness and be ministered to. She speaks the words of Psalm 119:36-37 by her example..."Turn my heart toward your stautes and not toward selfish gain. Turn my eyes away from worthless things; preserve my life according to your word."

Her words have taught and instructed....which she has beeen called to do by the words of her Creator and Saviour. "True instruction was in his mouth and nothing false was found on his lips. He walked with ME in peasce and uprightness, and turned many from sin." (Malachi 2:6) Also, let us not forget the bold instruction given to Jeremiah which is an example to us.."I do not know how to speak; I am only a child (this is Jeremiah)." But the Lord said to me, "Do not say, 'I am only a child.' You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you," declares the Lord. Then the Lord reach out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me,"Now, I have put my words in your mouth..." (Jeremiah 1 :6-10). I can affirm that in the short time I have known her that her words have turned me from sin...her words bringing God's light to me, helping me care more for others, striving to be less judgemental, bringing me time and time again to the feet of the cross humble asking forgiveness for my short comings.

From her mouth have come to me words of compassion...with Jan I have shared fears and sadness, suffering and hurt. The Lord has spoken to me through her which would not be possible if she did not know HIS words and did not know HIM in such a personal way. She had been the tangible reminder of the words in Isaiah 54:10.."Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be remove." says the Lord, who has compassion on you. She has been faithful to respond in her words to remind me of God's immense love for me, how much he cares for me and to remind me of his constant protection. She has shown great compassion, through her posts and comments, to feel the pain , distress, sadness and confusion of others. And in that she is serving her Master, following in the example of the one who has the ultimate corner on compassion.

Jan has been, with God's help, able to do all this with words that "bubble" out with joy and enthusiasm. There is no way, if you read her posts, that you could miss the joy and enthusiasm she feels for her King of Kings. Her words express Psalm 89:1-2.."I will sing of the Lord's great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations. I will declare that your love stands firm forever, that you established your faithfulness in heaven itself." More times than I can count I have been a little down and either by her posts or by the words left on my comments (or ones that we both read) I have been lifted up. God has used her words to bring me back into the joyful arms of my Saviour.

Is Jan human? Does Jan fail? Does Jan feel doubts and insecurities? Yes, I am sure she does....she is a part of the human race battling sin each and every day. Jan asked in yesterday's blog if in speaking could she be sinning? I am sure that she has made a mistake or two in that area but what I see in her words are something I can not do without! I see a strong, compassionate, caring, loving, God lead woman who is fulfilling a job that Christ has lead her to. He has given her the skill of communication, the heart for others. There is something else very special and possible unknown even to her... we are observing through her thoughts and words the process of the dying of oneself and in turn a deep, deep relationship with God. I find that an awesome priviledge.

And one last testimony. When I started blogging in July of this year I had very little contact with other christians which was somewhat sudden. I had homeschooled my children and live out in the country. This same time last year they graduated from high school and started into college which made my home very, very quiet. Neighbors are very scarce and to go to town you have to drive. Everyday up until the children graduated was kind of like bible school...reading the bible with them...writing their English papers about christian issues...all our subjects were always faith based. Around here I was always fortunate to have at least two other people to share the Lord with on a hourly basis if I wanted! Then college came (they still live at home but are gone all day) and it was just me here day after day. And on top of that, we had car issues and my vehicle went to them. So, I was not able to join a bible study group or get together for lunch on a regular basis with my other good christian friends. I did have my two sisters who talk on the phone with me alot and my best friend Betty who most of you know. She commits Thursday to come out here and spends it with me. Before you feel tooo sorry for me I was doing okay and then God brought blogging to me. I thought the purpose was for me to share with other homeschool moms what I was going through.....I am not so sure of that now and haven't been sure for sometime. It has for me been kind of a blogging bible study and instead of bringing to me women who are struggling through what I was he brought me a circle of diverse new friends! A wonderful group of dedicated christian brothers and sisters who have encouraged me, prayed for me, shared joyfulness with me, spurned me on to examine my walk with Christ, and loved me boundlessly. I have grown in Christ, my prayer time has been on fire, my knowledge of scripture has exploded and all this fruit from the written word. And what is equally amazing is Jan is in British Columbia, Canada and I am in Dearing, Georgia! Another of my dear christian friends who has answered the call is his twenties, interested in music, unmarried and in Alabama. Go figure!!!I don't think he was pulled in by my thoughts and feelings of being in your forties, married for 28 years and having young adult children!!!! I'm telling ya'll, you and your words are of our God's perfect plan and I am here to testify to that!

So Jan, that is another side of the words you speak...should you be silent today? If the Holy Spirit is leading you to that heck yes! But, as for me you are doing a mighty work for our Lord and Saviour and I need you to pass on to me the thoughts He lays on your heart. Also, be on guard that Satan is not trying to steer you off the path of writing...there is so much fruit being bore I can see the devil wanting to put a stop to that. If God uses the fruit that has come from my life to test if you have been following Him and his will then there is no way you can receive any words short of "You are my good and faithful servant." Keep dishing out to us, through the words of our Lord and Saviour, the truth, the light and the way!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

A jump out of stale!

Well, I hope you have read 1 Chronicles 16:23-32. I have taken just a portion of this psalm of thanks from David. Most of us know that we are to give God our thanks and praise but I find myself, too often, saying the same words over and over....kind of stuck in a praise routine. Oh, my praise is from the heart and is meant in all sincerity, but for me, right now it is rather stale! Your thanksgiving might be fresh and if it is great...for me, He showed me ten steps to "freshen up" my praise using verses 23-31. I will list the steps, which for the most part coincidence with the verses then end with some praise using the steps. Just sit back and enjoy what God showed me....

1. Proclaim his salvation day after day
2. Declare his glory
3. Declare his marvelous deeds
4. Praise his greatness
5. Refer to his glory and strength
6. Refer to the glory due to him, God Almighty
7. Bring him an offering..."I offer you my love, my heart, commitment..."
8. Say "the Lord reigns!"
9. Give him your thanks
10. Do it with joy and jubilance and even in song

My most merciful Father...How can anything I do for you compare to those horrific hours you hung from that wooden cross, in payment for the sins that I have and will commit. It is only because of you, and through you carrying the burden for all of us, that we are redemed and will, one day, be joined with you for eternity. It is only because of your grace and your suffering that we have been saved and will leave this life to stand in your presence never to leave your side.
You have laid before me all the works of your hands....all your splendor surrounds me. Your majesty cannot be have covered the earth in it, from the heights of the sky, ablaze with the twinkling of a zillion stars, to every creature small and large that live in the deepest depths of the ocean. All glory belongs to you. Nothing, especially life, was done by all fits into your marvelous plan. You designed this world and me to fit into your perfect plan. We have been put here for and with a plan, your plan, what a marvelous deed! Great are you and your greatness I will praise this day and in the days ahead.
You are creator, you are sustainer, you are my strength, you ARE...without you there would be no one..nothing. That is why I call you Saviour, Creator, Lord, Father, Almighty, and humbly I call you "Most Holy One". I would not be worthy to even speak your name but I have asked and you have healed me. Today I, in all my unworthiness, give myself back to you. Because I belong to you I offer this day to you. I will listen attentively for you to call me to be used for your service. I will open my heart to your Holy Spirit, so that I can walk in your ways, so that I can continue to grow, so that I can draw closer to you. Forgive me, Lord, for where I have failed you, for where I have fallen short, for what I have done and what I have failed to do. I trust in you and feel your forgiveness...I know you love me and I know that I can declare with confidence that my "Lord reigns!"
Thank you for your ultimate sacrifice for me, for your immense love, for your unending forgiveness, for your constant protection, for your continual leading, for your loving patience, for blessing me abundantly, and for loving me enough to bring me into this world and your perfect plan.
To you is all glory and power for day and for always....

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Back in Bloggersphere!

Surprise, surprise, surprise......I'm back and so very blessed to know I was thought of!!! I have alot of catching up to do....How is the move going Jan? Every day ya'll are getting closer and closer to the wonderful blessing God has provided for you...honestly, I have thought of you every day as I have Bomba! So Bomba, how was the vacation...are you rested? Did you get quality time with family and friends?...I was suppose to be your way this weekend...visiting my brother and his family over the weekend in Fitzpatric and Mongomery, but had to cancel the trip. How about the game on Saturday...Auburn squeaked it out in the last family VERY upset over their Georgia loss but i'm sure all of Alabama rejoicing....great game though! And to Bett M., thanks for being soooo faithful and now you have a chance to practice your comment making (you know that makes my day), and remember practice makes perfect. Sissy, I have missed your comments, just consider myself lucky that I get to see you and speak to you either directly or indirectly through MEEMEE (of course, most of my life is thru MeeMee). Ton-Ton, I hope the schooling won't keep you from reading some of my shorter posts...can't promise them to be too short, I have alot stored up in me...mostly things you have planted in my head from our talks....and Patti, I caught up today, since my eyes were not watering like faucets and I could actually focus. Are you ready for game on!? Maybe we can wait a few weeks.... Can't wait to hear from everyone!

My disappearance was mostly due to computer problems. Even while writing my last couple of posts, our computer kept freezing up and just steadily got worse. We took it to a computer shop and was told it was a problem with spies so they wiped it clean...still didn't work right...then back to the shop and we were told it was some kind of "motherboard" problem, whatever that is. They tried to get one from the make a long story short, we had to decide whether to buy a new computer or overhaul this one. That made for some delay while we shopped and compared what we had with what we could buy and which would be the better deal. Important time lost, not just to me (separation from my friends is hard), but my husband does alot of his engineering work here at home on this computer. Anyway, this weekend we got our overhauled computer back with more memory, faster, and hopefully better. But. instead of being able to jump right to ya'll, I had caught the flu middle of last week and was so sick I was able only to lay around and whine a whole lot. Every year my mom and I go to Alabama to visit my brother's nephew's birthday is the day before my moms so it is a great birthday present for her. We load up and celebrate the two birthdays together there. We were suppose to leave on Saturday morning and return on Monday morning but Thursday night I had to cancel out. I was running a fever and just too sick to drive the 5 hour trip. I was very and I always have a great time together...I treasure the time alone with her. And it is great to be able to visit with my brother, sister-in-law, and niece and nephew and not be distracted with my family. But, it wasn't in the cards so maybe another weekend soon.

All that said, I am back and ya'll have made me feel so special and important...actually taking the time to inquire about me...ya'll have great big hearts and it means alot to me. I have rambled on today...sorry about that....but please read 1 Chronicles 16:23-32....tomorrow I want to talk about it. God spoke to me this morning and I feel He wants me to share some thoughts on this scripture with all of you. If ya'll read it today or tonight I might be able to keep my post a little shorter (that would be for Ton-Ton!), not having to write out the whole scripture. Then I can use the post to pass on to you what the Lord has spoke to me. I am really excited and can hardly wait for tomorrow!

And by the way, Friday is a big day for my sister and brother-in-law out west....please pray for skill and guidance for the doctors, peace for their family and most of all, for them to feel God's presence with them on Friday! God is in control and he loves that family very much....we need to trust that His will can be done in their lives and in ours.

And finally today, here's to being together, for the blessings that I receive from each of you, and the joy and love from being one in Jesus Christ. See ya'll tomorrow.....I can't wait!!!!

May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as our does for you.
1 Thess. 3:12

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Right off the top I want to express my humble thanks for the prayers, support, kindness, caring and love shown to me by my blogger friends. God has truly enriched my life by bringing us together in word and spirit and I am grateful for ya'll. As corny as it may sound, I really could feel your prayers, caring and love.....and Bomba, you said it...I WAS LIFTED UP! Ya'll have a gift for making people feel loved and important, and I know that comes from the deep love and understanding of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and out of a personal relationship with him, our Father. "In all my prayers for all of you, I always prayer with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1: 4-6

A quick report.....the knot in my stomach on the right side is nothing at all to be concerned about and the tenderness on the left side has a term but again is nothing to give a moment's thought to. The doctor will be calling today and now we have a plan....I will be going to a headache specialist and try to connect all the dots to get some relief and knowledge about what is going on up there (some say there is not alot and I tend to agree at times with that assumption!). The doctor was one of the kindness doctors I have come across (God really picked him for me), thorogh, caring, and sensitive. There are still some test results to come in, but there is no indication that they should be anything but great news! Share with me, in the joy of having brothers and sisters who are so full of Christ's love that, in a moments notice, they can be whipped into an army of God out of love and concern for someone they have never ever met!

So, let's talk about the subject of being conflicted. I want to present several sides of this issue and I hope you will respond with more ideas, thoughts, is, to alot of wonderful God loving people, a very gray area. What area is that? I am speaking of Halloween.....Jan wrote a blog about it yesterday and I agree with her position...yet Mandy made a comment on Jan's blog and I agree with her point of view also. So, in the interest of understanding the decisions made by our christian brothers and sisters let's look at several sides of this.

Halloween has a pagan, wicked, evil origin. There is no debate on that. There are alot of devote, righteous christians who believe that participating in the dressing up, the giving of candy, having parties on this evening are participating in the "devil's work". They feel that if they did this they are participating in celebrating something that directly goes against scripture and God's law. I have no disagreement with this....there are so many scriptures that tell us not to be a part of Satan's work and witchcraft is definetly that. There are many christians who sincerely believe that the best way to combat this pagan holiday is to turn off their porch lights, spend some quality time with their children and pray for the light of Christ to eliminate the evil of what others are doing as they, for most people, innocently participate in the rituals of Halloween. They are trying to righteously show their children that there are stands to make in this life and that, fun or not, they have to stand up for good over evil. They strongly believe in the battle on earth between the dark and light sides and they do want not to open any windows into the side of evil. In the here, I have been there and done that! It is a valid stance.

Then we have the sincere christians who gather together on Halloween, in the church gym or activities building for fun, games, hotdogs and a prayer service. Usually, because they know that children love to dress in costume (one of the two biggest pulls of Halloween) they allow that with some distinct guidlines, no devils, witches or evil costumes. Some call it a fall festival or call it family doesn't matter what you call it, the intent is to make a conscious decision to give that night over to the glory of God! Most of the ones I have attended have been filled with family fun, praise and worship singing and a sermon on the family level. The belief is that in banding together they are pleasing God, witnessing to others, and facing Satan toe to toe, reminding the serpent himself, that our God reigns every night but especially Halloween night. In the here, I have been there and done that! It is a valid stance.

Another thought, in the christian realm of thinking about Halloween, is the way Mandy approached it this year. If you read her comment, their family welcomed trick or treaters but witnessed to them. By her comment, I concluded that her first witness was to her a christian family they were trying to dispel the apperance of being judgemental. I applaude them on this, me being the one that has talked about letting the Holy Spirit lead you to share your christianity with people who the Holy Spirit has softened and made ready to hear the truth. So, they welcomed the trick or treaters but still upheld their christian beliefs by using this night to personally evangelize those who came to their door. They handed out "Adventures in Odyssey" cd's along with the candy! I have known people who have done this very thing...not "Odyssey" cd's, but candy printed with "Jesus loves You", What Would Jesus Do?" bracelets, christian activity books, pencils with scritpures written on them....something that would be used to get the message of "truth and light" across. The thought is that we are to go out into the world and proclaim the gospel and what better night when the masses are coming to you. And I am sure, in Mandy's case and the others that have chosen this route, that many a prayer went along with the candy and witnessing tool. In the here, haven't done that one, but surely support makes a lot of sense to me.

I have gone back and forth my entire adult life about this subject. It became, to me, not the worst holiday of the year because of it being a Satanic holiday in origin but because of the wrestling we would have to do every year as it approached. No matter which way we went we felt under some comdemnation that we were less of a christian because of the approach we took. And the funny thing is we tried it matter what we did, we received the scorn from other brothers and sisters who felt another way. You could say it shouldn't matter what others think we are here to please God.....the only problem with that is we have never been able, on this subject, to figure out what is right in God's eyes! We have never gotten a peace about how this holiday should be righteously celebrated, or like alot of faithful christians, if it should be celebrated at all. What I do know is that alot of people who I admire, who are people that love and seek out the will of God, and who live each day working to become closer to their Saviour, are also conflicted about what to do with Halloween. So I am going to use the month of October, from now on in the after, to share about the ways I have tried to find peace about Halloween. Also, I am going to lend my support and love to my christian brothers and sisters as they struggle with being conflicted about this holiday. Maybe, just like there is more than one way to skin a cat, there might just be more ways than just one right way is to spend the evening of October 31st. After all it boils down to the condition of our hearts....and I want my heart to be full of love for the sincerity of my brothers and sisters in Christ.

"The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and wonderful results." James 5:16

Friday, October 28, 2005

Praying for one another

I believe so strongly in the power of belief is that God rejoices in a family of his coming together to lay their requests at his feet. In my heart I understand that in this life we are very limited in what we know and understand....we have just a droplet in the bucket of what our Lord knows and wills. Yet, without knowing even a reasonable part of the picture we are to walk throught each day with faith in our Father, that the things that befall us in this life have a purpose, meaning and are for our good and complete the "big" picture. The only problem is someone forgot to tell my emotions about all of this!

I have been struggling with a migraine since Sunday....I have taken all the medicine allowed, which also worries me since I am not one to take medicine. The last week has been an exhausting week...waiting on results of my brother-in-law's CAT scan, all the talk about our family friend Theresa and her death and to top it all off this nagging migraine that I can not seem to get rid of. I woke up the other morning and when I went into my bathroom and looked in the mirror, my right eye was scared me! With these migraine it is a struggle to head just pounds, I see spots, I stay sick to my stomach and my emotions and thoughts run wild. Trying to push through, my daughter left me the car one day this week so I decided that if I got out it might do me some good. I got dressed, hair, makeup and all, even though I had the feeling I was going to throw up at any moment and drove the car the 11 miles to Thomson. My visit to my little favorite store was short vision was blurry, my head was pounding, my stomach upset. Needless to say, I cried all the way home feeling very defeated, very tired and a little afraid.

I was able to get in to see a doctor I admire and trust very much. The appointment is for Monday afternoon and I am just counting the minutes. My life is usually a very simple, joyful life. I can see one leaf turning colors on one of my trees signaling fall and it will make my whole day. I can get the housework done and can hardly wait for my husband to come home and brag about how clean everything is....I love even the simplest things about my life. But, this make me feel so burdened, oppressed, empty. My time is spent trying to keep my mind from going where it should not instead of being free to feel the joy of my Lord and life. So, as my christian brothers and sisters I am asking you to take some of the burden from me and pray for me.....pray that my panic thoughts can be bound and that the doctor on Monday will have some very simple answers for me like changing my dosage of medicine or trying some other type of medication. Prayer that the peace of our Lord will engulf me this weekend and that I will be freed from the pain of this migraine. Prayer that I can come to the place where my emotions and thoughts don't override my faith. And lastly, if it is God's will pray that I will be healed from these migraines altogether. Thank you for being one in the faith of our Lord, Jesus Christ!

Monday, October 24, 2005

Questioning God...

There has been alot going on around here....happenings that cause you to stop dead in your tracks and reflect on your life, the life of others and ponder the question of God and his will. If any of you read my sister's posts over the weekend, you already aware that someone my family knows died in her sleep Saturday night. This woman, who was around the age of forty, left a husband, ten children (five months old to a senior in high school), family and lots of friends. This is just another happening that is hard to comprehend.

The list in the last six months is lengthy and unsettling....Katrina, the earthquake, my brother-in-law's cancer, and now this! Is there more death, despair, tragedy and death this year, the last five years, this last decade... or am I just getting older and more aware of man's mortality? Is it that, as a country, we have become so civilized, so sophisicated, so knowledgeable, so scientific, so confident that we have forgotten that we are not in control of this life? As christians, have we strayed a bit...have we been shy of speaking the truth, that we are just using this life to pass through to another life...the perfect life? I know I am guilty of first thoughts when Katrina was churning in the gulf was to keep it tuned to the safety of the weather channel. My first thoughts of the massive deaths from the recent earthquake was that we should be lobbying for buildings to be built safer in California. When I was told of my brother-in-law's cancer, I wanted to rush my husband to the doctor so he could get checked so I could receive the okay! All these responses are quite normal and natural but it had me doing some hard thinking.

Do I think of all tragedy, despair, and death as distressing, a heavy blow, something that needs to be reasoned out? Yes, for the most part, I have been guilty. But recently, I have come, through God's help, to try to focus on the mystery of the bigger plan. God has shown me that there are things in this life that I will never be able to reason out, I will never come to understand, I may never even see the purpose in them. When my mind starts to go in the direction of trying to figure out God's purpose, I have to pause, remind myself of how minuscule my thoughts and knowledge of God are. My thoughts, for a moment, can be of sorrow, can be compassionate, can be caring, but then have to turn to rejoicing in the omniscience of our King. My words have to convey my trust in the unknown paths of a Father who made me for whatever time and purpose of his choosing. My mind has to wrap itself around the fact that I am just a vessel, He is the potter...some things in this life I just have to accept on faith that He knows what is best.

In this life, whether it is short or long, whether I have plenty or I am in want, whether things come easy or I have to work by the sweat of my brow, I want to be emptied unto have all parts of myself be one with Him. I want not to look inward but to look upward, to have a faith so strong that I choose to let the mysteries of this life be solved in knowning that my God has all the answers.

Not one sparrow will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. Matthew 10:29-30

We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired even of life. Indeed, in our hearts we felt the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God. 2 Cor.1:8-9

Friday, October 21, 2005

A Winner

Most of you have heard that a family in Oregon have a winning lottery ticket worth 340 million dollars!! My husband and I don't play the lottery....we don't have anything against it, we just have never gotten into that sort of thing. But we have had those discussions about what if..? Of course, our first thought is of our them each a nice house out here on property ajacent to them the safest cars on the market....set them up in their own businesses...take a family vacation to somewhere they have always wanted to go. Then our thoughts and dreams have run down the list of family starting with my mom and dad.....hire them a full-time chaffeur so mom doesn't have to drive...move them out here to the country with us (this is where they were going to retire before daddy lost his eyesight).....provide the means for them to go on as many missions trips as they could possiblly fit into their lives. We have entertained ideas about what to do for our siblings on both sides of the family....setting up businesses for our brothers and sisters, paying back school loans they have acquired, paying off their houses so they could be debt free, buying everyone new cars that get excellent gas mileage. But, we have not only entertained dreams of material things for ourselves and our family, we have had dreams of what we could do for our friends, our church, our pastors, and a precious nun we have known for over 25 years....she is one of 12 children, she is from Ireland, and has very little money or material things. We have always said that if we came into money we would buy her a plane ticket so that every year, for the rest of her life, she could go back to Ireland to be with her family. And we have discussed dreams of being able to spend money to help those we don't know... using our money to help fund finding a cure for cancer, paying for kidney or heart transplants for those who can't afford it, setting up a children's orphanage....there is so much we would and could do if we hit the jackpot. The bottom line of our dreams are to help bring others to Christ, help to alleviate suffering and sickness, to help make this life a little more comfortable for our family and friend and help them accomplish what they think is God purpose in their lives.

Well, we haven't won 340 million, no chance since we don't even play the lottery. Our dreams are still the help bring others to Christ, to help alleviate suffering and sickness, to help make this life a little more comfortable for family and friends, and to help them accomplish what they think is God purpose in their lives. This is what we attempt to do each and everyday with what God has chosen to give us in this life....truth that is illuminated through a relationship with a risen Saviour, a heart that is seeped in compassion, hands and feet carrying a servant's attitude and a soul that is lead down the path of His will. Oh, we have won the lottery, the prize of knowing and following a life in Christ Jesus and the prize of a life everlasting.

I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Plain Scary

Our family received some bad news last night. My brother-in-law Jonathan, my oldest sister's husband, has been diagnosted with prostate cancer. He is in his early 50's and in great shape...he is a southern Baptist preacher, a father of four...he is a husband, a son-in-law, brother and brother-in-law. The news came over the telephone, to him, and today they will be going to see the doctor to find out their options.

This news fills you up with every kind of emotion, fear, sadness, panic, loss....the word cancer is just plain scary! I talked with my sister last night in an attempt to "be there" for her. I was at a loss as to what to say to Jonathan. She has already has some panic and fear but seems to think that after they talk to the doctor they will all feel better. Having a plan of some sort is better that just trying to deal with the unknown. She will be calling today after the visit with the doctor to tell us more.

This is a family of deep and strong faith. They will trust in the greatest of all physicians. They will surrender to him and let His will be done. They will walk in the shadow of his wings and come to our Saviour for comfort. I am sure though, that this will be a hard path to walk, that in their humanness they will need each and every one of us to storm heaven with our prayers, to be there to encourage them, and to show our deep love for them. Jonathon has an amazingly intimate relationship with the that is deep, trusting, unquestioning, knowledgeable. His is a man who really dwells in and with Christ. This will be important in the days and months ahead. As my sister and I finished our conversation late last night she said that she has always, since she was a little girl, truly believed God can do anything! These are the kind of thoughts that will help carry them through this time that will bring many challenges.

Please pray for them and ask others to pray for them also....this time the announcement of the big "C" has hit home. I told my sister that we will storm heaven and that is what I intend to do. The news, yes, is plain scary, but Jonathan and Tenny have the greatest of all physicians, a father with the biggest arms of comfort, a heart for them that is bursting with mercy, ears that are ready and waiting to hear their fears and concerns.....a God that will overwhelm them with his love and strength.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Fall is Here.... at Least in Dearing

The weather is changing. The temperature last night was in the low 40's out here in the country. That wasn't my only indictor though. My warm weather son, Russell, coming into my room this morning in his Northface long sleeved shirt, looking a little blue around the lips and asking if we could close all the windows was the best clue. Yes, it is fall and time for me to do my "seasonal thing". This week the house will be decorated with plump pumpkins, scarecrows, pots full of mums, and anything in the colors of red, yellow, orange, and brown. My fall quilts will be brought out, the summer dishes will be replaced with fall dishes, and my workcenter will be covered in stamps of acorns, leaves and sunflowers and papers of varying shades of browns, reds and golds.

This seasonal phenomenon has always puzzled my men..."So, honey..have you been shopping? Didn't know so much dinner could fit on a leaf shaped plate....what happened to my trout coffee mug?, oh no, I don't mind drinking out of a pumpkins mug..are these new? ...."Hey, honey...see you have started on a new quilt?! Is that the sun or sunflower? .....Acorns?..Well, looks to me like that color brown paper would do just, you think it is tooo brown...oh, yes that lighter brown looks better..oh, that color is not brown!?..that color is terra cotta..I would have never guessed!......Puzzled, oh yes, and they seem to stay that way!

The seasons for my men signal better fishing or less fishing, more yard work or less yard work, piling up loads of wood or not piling up loads of wood. For me, the change in seasons renew in me an appreciation for God our Creator, the Almighty One, who with one stroke of his hand covered the earth in colors of brilliant yellows, vibrant greens, shocking pinks, and soothing lavendars in spring and summer. Then with another stroke of His heavenly paint brush....shocking reds, deep oranges, bright yellows and strong browns dominate the landscape in the fall. Oh, and even here in the south, about once a year, he chooses to throw out the colors and whitewash the land making it, sometimes for more than a day or two, a white or iced wonderland.

The seasons, for me, also remind me of the love and caring of my Father. Just as the abundance of "babies" (birds, bunnies, squirrels) in the spring always amaze me so do the flocks of Canadian geese, flying in picture perfect formation overhead, knowing where they are going, and what they have to do. I can sit for hours watching the striped chipmunks scurrying around with their cheeks full of nuts, preparing automatically for the winter. Gone are the flutter of the hummingbirds, only to be replaced by an increasing of the sounds of our owl friends. On cool crisp evenings, the heavens are bursting with the twinkling of millions, upon millions of stars.The Almighty has taken such care with every single detail of heaven and earth....His way of reminding me of the care of every detail he knows and takes care of in my life!!

As much as I love the feel of the cool earth in my hands in the spring when planting starts, I also love and rejoice in the smell of holiday turkeys and pies baking, of the togetherness of cool nights spent under handmade quilts watching old movies by the flickering light of the fireplace. I can not help but praise His holy name as the leaves on the trees change colors and fall, leaving a carpet of red and yellow on the ground. A smile and "thank you Jesus", is on my lips as I place bold orange pumpkins and pots of red and yellow mums down the steps of the deck and by the door welcoming each and every vistor.

So, as I go about my "seasonal thing", part of which is reminding my husband that I have not been shopping...we have had those plates for is not a new quilt, it is the one I have brought out every fall for the past four years...if you can make your son drink from the "pumpkin mug", then have at it, you will be off the hook(!), it is not about commerialism or is about love, gratefulness, appreciation, joy. It is about being reminded to give my God, my Father, my Creator all the praise and honor and glory due to him. Let us all rejoice and be glad...Fall is here!!

...He will make her deserts like Eden, her wastelands like the garden of the Lord. Joy and gladness will be found in her thanksgiving and the sound of singing. Isaiah 51:3

God's voice thunders in marvelous ways; he does great things beyond our understanding. He says to the snow, "fall on the earth", so that all men may know His work. Job 37: 5-7

Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor. For everything in heaven and earth is yours. Yours, O Lord, is the kingdom: You are exalted as head over all. Now, our God, we give you thanks and praise your glorious name. I Chronicles 29: 11, 13

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

It Sounds Like Him

Yesterday, while cleaning the house, I received a phone call. The voice on the other end identified himself as my husband and he sounded like my husband , but WAS it MY husband?! "Hey honey, a friend told me about a little place downtown. Every Tuesday night they have an Irish band that about the two of us going down there, having a good cold Irish beer and listening to the music for awhile...just the two of us?" My first thought was who was this person and what have they done with my husband? So, using the detective skills that I have honed while raising my family, I was going to get to the bottom of this..."Excuse me, what exactly did you say?" Okay, so I need some more honing on those detective skills....yes, it was my husband's voice but I was sure, like in one of those old 1970's scifi movies, that someone or something had overtaken him.

You see, in the here, dates were putting the children to bed and watching a good movie on cable while eating a homemade pizza. it is not that my husband doesn't desire to spend time alone with me, it is that we put evenings away from home on hold while we were raising our family. First, my husband was a fireman and spent every other 24 hours away from home...ate, slept, and resided at the firehouse. Four out of every seven days were already spent away from his home and his children so we where not going to spend one of those precious three evenings out somewhere. Also, I was schooling my children through elementary, then middle and finally high school. I was the teacher, by our choosing, but it was a weighty responsibility. I needed every evening to prepare myself for the studies of the next day...doing algebra problems, reading literature books, studying their biology, learning their goverment and world history. You see, if I didn't know the material, if I didn't do the problem sets, if I didn't read the books, how in the world could I teach, little less answer their questions. We developed our bedroom as our meeting place. Instead of hiring a babysitter or leaving the kids at home, driving somewhere, spending time and money we did not have, and then arriving home past our bedtime, only to be not at our best the next day, we would put the kids to bed, and go to our room. There we would have a picinic or a movie. I would make special iced-coffees, and desserts. We would talk about hiking trails and camping..books and movie cares and his concerns. But, go out on a grown-up date...drinks and music..traveling there and back..I haven't been asked to do that since.......

So again, using those honed detective skills and also using my femine protective skills (wanting expectations to be the same), I asked, "Russell?, are you asking me to go out at 8 pm tonight with you to listen to some music and have cold beer or an Irish coffee? Is that what you said?" The "Russell" part was to trip him up in case it was an imposter! Clever don't you think? What came out of his mouth next really left me dumbfounded..."Yes, that is what I was asking you, I thought it might be alot of fun for us. It's time we started getting out a little and doing something just for us!" Has some romantic, grown-up man taken over my home-body, no crowd, ruled husband? Seems like it!! After some discussion, we decided that since he had been at work since 4:00 am, we would go for our date next Tuesday. He would go in at a resonable time and come home early....he said we might even let the kids take care of themselves and grab a bite to eat. So next Tuesday night I have a date...i'm still not sure that something or someone hasn't overtaken my husband but it did sound like him...and this morning when he kissed me goodbye and reminded me that Tuesday we had a date, it looked like him. It appears that all of us in this family, in the after, are going to be doing a little growing up and spreading our wings a little. Here's to next Tuesday and the luck of the Irish!!!

Go, eat your bread with joy and drink your wine with a merry heart, because it is now that God favors your works. ...Enjoy life with the wife whom you love, all the days of the fleeting life that is granted you under the sun. Ecclesiastes 9: 7,9

Friday, October 07, 2005

The Sun, My Son

This weekend, as we were driving home from our camping trip, my son and I were discussing what he did not like about the mountains. He loves the fishing, the camping, the changing leaves but he does not like that the sun is not bright and visible. That is the problem with the "Smokey Mountains". There is always a haze, a greyness, filtered light...not the bright shinning sun like at the beach and he loves the beach especially the bright sunlight. I could not help, as he talked, of listing in my mind some of the adjectives used in conjuntion with the "sun" and how these describe my "son".

The first one that comes to mind is "bright" son is very smart and not only is he smart but he picks up on things very quickly. He pays attention and listens, files it away, and brings it back when needed. He is able to teach himself, he, if interested, and is eager to learn. Put these together and I think that qualifies him as "bright".

As the "sun" is ever-moving so is my son. He wants to participate in it all, is ready to try new things, puts himself out there to be and take part of whatever is going on. He enjoys new experiences and can do things with one person, a group of people, young people or the elderly, boys or girls...which helps keeps him ever-moving!

The sun is "holy". There are multiudes of scripture which relate to the sun and light and is used in the context of holy. My son is like this....he is not a saint, no perfect by any means but has a holiness about him... a deep sense of right and wrong, of godliness and ungodliness, of God's presence in his life. He really attempts to make "holy" choices and knowing his heart as only a mother can...he's "holy" in my book.

I looked up "sun" in an old 1940's book of adjectives that I have. One that jumped out at me was "joyous". That is really my son. He always shows joy, passes it on with his attitude, spends each day joyous for whatever is coming his way. Being joyous is a choice, for some coming easier for others, and he definetly chooses sees the joy in life.

"Ministering" is something related often to the sun...the effects of the sunlight on our mental health, ect.. Russell also has this quality. He is the source of help that everyone comes to. It happens often that someone comes to him, telling him about a problem and asking his advice on what to do. He listens attentively, always seems to be able to come up with something quite logical, simple and sound. Back during the summer months, he was headed home one evening when he called us on his cell. He told us that he would be late picking up his sister due to a friend needing to see him right then. When questioned further, it was one of his male friends who was having some sort of girl crisis and needed to talk it over with Russ. My husband remarked how different times have changed...he thought that was a girl kinda thing..crisises in your love life and needing a friend. It was then, in talking over other instance that came to mind that we realized...boys, girls..they need him to minister to them.

Have you noticed how the sun is "never-hurried". It comes up when it is suppose to, makes it way across the sky, taking all day then slowly sets. My son, even though he is busy, he projects a relaxed style...he seems "never-hurried". He is orderly and stays on schedule which keeps him from seeming hurried, flustered, in a rush. He makes the most of his time so he is able to fit in all that he wants or needs to do with being hurried. Yes, I would vote for "never-hurried".

Russell has a great smile, he is a handsome guy, and always connsiderate, and kind...a very "pleasant" person on the inside and out. I looked up the definition and it read, "pleasing to the mind, feelings, or senses." There is no need to say more...he encompassses this.

One thing all my family can agree on is that Russ is steady....steady as the "sun" is. He has an even temper, he is loyal to all his friends, he always works hard on whatever he is doing. He is a man of a few words, speaking when he has something to say but mostly listens. He is steady...he can be relied on and his actions, for the most part, can be banked on.

When Russ was about three we made a conscious decision that when his daddy was at the firehouse, he should sit in daddy's chair at the dinner table. This was not to put undue pressure on him but to start modeling him into a strong, responsible, protective man. One day, we knew he would have a family to care for and he would be the "strengthening" force in his family. Little by little we wanted to train him to be strong without taking away any of the God given gentleness that was within him. He has a strongness, a strength that others draw from. Strong in his convictions, strong in his relationships, strong in his determination, strong in his faith....strong and strengthening everyday just like the strengthening of the "sun".

As a young man, he probably would not like to hear me say this but he is "tender". Tender like the sun's rays on a spring morning...tender like the early morning sun...tender like the last glimpse of the sun settting on the horizon. When he was born, God gave us a gift of the tenderness in him. I had a girl first, and was very happy to have this one and then more..plenty of girls...I came from a family of girls. The last thing I could imagine was having a loud, harsh, hard son. I knew a tenderness in his father, thought at times thought that men made like that were miracles... that didn't or wouldn't happen often, but knew in that respect I wanted him to be like his dad. I prayed and prayed and prayed and God answered that prayer...He gave me a son with a tender heart, a softness ....just like his daddy. One day, there will be a girl in his life that will be greatly blessed, like the girls in our family are, because of this tender heart in a man's body.

And lastly, an adjective that the "sun" and my "son" share is warmth. He has a warm spirit, a warm heart, and a warmth in the way he deals with people. Have you experienced sitting in the sun on a spring day and being so cozy that you drift off into a nap? The warmth of the sun as made you relaxed, calm, serene. The warmth bring a tranquility to you...just like my "son". The adjectives here...relaxed, calm, serene, cozy, tranquility, warmth, they all describe my "son". He treats other in a relaxed, calmand warm manner. He makes them feel serene and cozy around them. When you are with him you feel tranquill....just like the warmth of the "sun".

Thank you for listening...I know all of you feel the same about your children! As parents we love our children with full hearts and of course see the very best in them. Thank you for allowing me to boast for a little is not something I try to do often. God has blessed me with two wonderful children. It is through His blessings, His grace, His guidance that I have been given these precious gifts of life. He has given me a "son" to love, train, nuture, and raise to walk the path of a righteous man of God and I am doing the best I know how. It is only with my Lord and Saviour at my side guiding me in every minute of every day that I can attempt to do the job he has graciously given to me. And thank you, son, for giving me, your daddy, and your sister such joy, love, trust, and pride in the child of God you are. I love you beyond words.....Mom.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Today is my mother-in-law's birthday..........

Happy Birthday Mom!!!

We love you and miss you so very much.

"...They are before the throne of God and serve him day and night in his temple;and he who sits on the throne will spread his tent over them. Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat upon them, nor any scorching heat. For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their sheperd; he will lead them to springs of living water. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes." Revelation 7:15-17

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Encourage One Another

Here lately I have been very convicted about how "blessed" I am! God loves me and I feel that love...I really feel it. There are alot of reasons, but one is that I have people in my life that have been encouraging me. Not a lot of people...but people I value, people of like-mindedness, people who care about me, people that have been chosen by God to do His work. "Let us hold unswerving to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another - and all the more as you see the Day approaching." Hebrews 10:24-25.

In life, for most of us, it is hard to be unswerving. We have a process, we have to grow in our faith. For some it comes easier than others, some aren't called on as often as others...I have never lost a child or been abused or had an unfaithful husband. But, even though I have never been through really hard times, I still have had times that I have questioned God's faithfulness. It is by His grace and His choosing to reveal "why" after I have walked through something hard that has helped me grow, that keeps me hanging in there when I start to doubt. I believe we are to encourage others with our experiences of His faithfulness so here is one....

We lived in Augusta, just blocks from my mom, dad, and sister. We also lived just one mile from my in-laws. We loved where we lived and we were atttached to the house (we brought our newborn son home here).But because of our homeschooling and distractions (the city) we wanted to move...move to the country. So we put the house on the market. Everything that we could have done to sell it we did. A friend, that was a realtor, even came in and told us what furniture we should put in storage so the house would look bigger. We did not live in a fancy neighborhood or have a very big big selling points. It almost killed me trying to keep it clean and organized (remember I was homeschooling two children so there where at least three people in the house 24/7). The realtor would call at the worst moments and we would have to leave so the house could be shown. This was our life for about two years, but we where encouraged by others, spurred on to keep it on the market, but even then we often faltered..swerved...asked God if we were hearing him correctly how come he didn't just bring someone to buy our house?

Then in May of 1994 our lives took an unexpected mother-in-law got sick and was taken to the hospital. During the next six-weeks we spent each and every minute in the hospital. My mother-in-law had surgery, made it out of intensive care, was moved to a regular floor, but then took a bad turn. During this six week period the house was the last thing on our minds. My family stepped in and showed the house when needed but it was at it's worst. It was dirty, messy and definetly not straightened. It was a stop off for us...a place to grab a sandwhich, check in with whomever had the children and change our clothes. Then, one Monday in June our house sold!! Dirty, unorganized, cluttered...a mess...and it sold. But, our joy was short lived...that same week, on Thursday, my mother-in-law died. We were devastated, we were unprepared, we were hardly able to function. And we had to vacate by the end of the month. We buried my mother-in-law and had thirteen days to be out. My parents stepped in and told us to put our belongs in storage and move the seventy miles..come live with them for awhile..give ourselves some time. And we did.

This was all part of God's see my dad was losing his eyesight...he was in what they call the denial stage. He was really struggling and so was my mom. When we moved in all of this became apparent and my husband "took the bull by the horns" so to say...he stepped in to help. He helped get my dad to Emory, a hospital in Atlanta. As I looked back God had the perfect plan for us and I see it now even though then I didn't understand...1) we were with my dad at a very hard time and hopefully helped him in his time of need, giving back to him a little of what he has given so humbly to us 2) my husband was commuting 80 miles one way to work which gave him time and space alone to grieve without any distractions 3)I needed my mom, I need her to answer hard questions for me, I need her strength for me and for my children, I needed her as a soft place for me 4) my children had just lost one grandmother, they needed their other grandmother, the security she provided 5) we needed the love that ministered to us that we could have only received by living with them 6) we needed the comfort of knowing that the Monday before my mother-in-law died, that we were able to give the good news of our move to the country, a place she knew her son and grandchildren desired to me. It made her very happy.

We stayed with them a year, then moved to the country on a piece of property my daddy had. Living with my parents was the best of times and the worst of times and I see now that it was God's perfect plan for us. He has a plan, his plan is perfect, he wants us to not be anixous, to trust in him and wait on his timing. My Lord and Saviour has given me a gift...the gift of a lesson learned. He chose to walk me through a hard time, a time of doubt, a time of sadness and then revealed his plan to us...only after we had walked the whole path. He gave me a lesson to be used to spur on others, to encourage others, to hold close to my heart and when I swerve bring back to memory HIS everfaithfulness, HIS perfection, HIS timing and also HIS abundant blessing on me. So here is my story...I pray that it will spur you to stand on our Father's faithfulness. I pray that it will encourage you to wait on our Father's perfect plan...whatever you are dealing with that is causing you to swerve. I pray that we can keep on meeting in the hope of encouraging one another in this life and for the life here after.

Thank you heavenly Father for having perfect plans for me. Thank you, no matter how hard I push against you that you are everfaithful to fulfill your work in me. Thank you for your abundant blessing and give me the opportunity to spur others on in their faithfulness to you, my God and my King, forever. Amen

Monday, October 03, 2005

A Trip We Will Remember

We are back and it was a great trip! We pulled out of home pretty much on schedule, my son driving and my husband riding shotgun, with the back of the van loaded with all the essentials...and the back seat..where I sat loaded with all the necessary traveling paraphernalia. You know.."Irish Cream" flavored coffee, gourmet trail mix, a comfortable quilt, a good book, and my pillow. I am always the navigator (do they really think I do a good job or do they just feel sorry for me in the back?), so I have to keep my mind on the trip and pay attention to road signs. We decided to go all state highways versus the interstate and it was a wonderful drive. The scenery was great, always something to look at, and a lot of little towns along the way which are always interesting to me. About halfway, my husband changed seats with me, and thanks to my pillow he had a good nap, while mother and son successfully made our way to the Davidson River.

When we pulled into the guard hut the campground was almost full but as always God is good! We got the best campsite out of the 170 or so 136. It was secluded from the neghbors, had a hill and walking trail right behind us and was close to the water supply and more importantly close to the bathrooms. I discovered, even before camp was set up, that if I scaled the hill and followed the walking trails, that there was alot of wood to be had for our campfire. So, I became the offical wood gatherer(?). We unanimously decided to go back into the town of Brevard, eat some lunch, buy a few flies from the flyfishing store, call my nephew and niece-to-be, and then come back and set up camp. We did exactly that...ate a great hot lunch at the "Pisgah Fish Camp", stopped by the local grocery store, then the flyfishing store, called the kids to let them know which site we were at and then back to set up camp. The boys set up the tent, then the awning over the picinic table, then suited up in their waders, grabbed their fly rods and head for the uncharted waters and unsuspecting trout in the Davidson River. I got to work..had plenty to keep me busy...setting up camp, gathering fire wood, getting a fire started and thinking about dinner. I decided to focus on the tent first...laid out the air mattresses, unrolled my son's sleeping bag, laid out my blankets for my husband and I, threw in pillows, and placed our duffle bags at each spot designating where each person would sleep, making sure I was in between the two strong guys! Then I moved on to the table/food set-up. Russell had bought me a plastic fall table cloth with a flannel backing. We also had matching plates and napkins, of course, all in the fall theme. I covered the picnic table, set the cookstove at one end and set up plates, napkins, silverware, cups, drinks, and snacks at the other end. Even though we had an awning over the table, the breeze ushered in a few BIG, colorful leaves to the table as if it adding a few finishing touches. Very, very fallish!! My attention then went to the hill and gathering wood to start the fire..."the hill" ended up being my challenge of the weekend. The ground up the hill was damp which made it slippery and it was a little steep for me, balance not being one of my better skills. I would scale the hill then walk the trails collecting wood. Coming down the hill was a little more challenging especially with an armload of wood. Okay, wasn't only coming down the hill..I had a little trouble getting up the hill also! So I spent the weekend tumbling down the hill ( but never dropping my armload of wood), tumbling backwards as I tried to get up the hill (but alway succeeded in getting up no matter how many tries), and walking like I was a few decades older than I am.. the result of the tumblings and using muscles I didn't know I had. Hey, I did provide entertainment for all though. All that aside, I got our fire started (it was cool enough we had to have it day and night), the kids arrived, Chad and Meagan, and with perfect timing the boys returned about the same time from their adventures to the river. We grilled chicken breasts, cooked garlic green beans and had fudge, walnut brownies with fudge icing for dessert. The boys went back to the river, and that evening we played cards, visited, talked about fishing lessons and made plans for tomorrow and yes, of course, there was me as the entertainment (had to keep that fire going)!

That is how the weekend went...visiting with each other, walks, fly fishing and lessons (Chad and Meagan hadn't flyfished before), good food and lots of it...just an all around peaceful, memorable, relaxed weekend. It was a heart-warming son, Russell, tall, lean, a very good fly fisherman, one who makes the sport look so easy, taught by his dad...Chad, eager, persistent, ready to try it all, being taught by Uncle Russell...Meagan, sweet, quiet, has a love for nature and a very gentle spirit, out there talking instruction from Uncle Russell. All five of us together, encouraging each other, trying something new together,,mom, son, uncle, aunt, making memories. God gave us the best of the best, God gave us nature...the change of seasons, clear, cool , crisp rivers, fresh mountain air.. love..Chad's for Meagan, a son's love for his Father, a mother's love for her son, the love of husband and wife, a aunt and uncle's love for nephew and niece.., walking, card playing.., gathering wood, keeping order.. humor...jokes, stories, and a middle aged woman tumbling down a hill...a weekend surrounded by plenty of what is good and simply, a weekend to be remembered.

For you shall be like a tree planted by the waters, which spreads out it's roots by the river.
Jeremiah 17:8

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Our Annual Trip

It is that time! Friday we depart on our annual camping and flyfishing trip to the Davison River, in the Pisgah Naional Forest ("Land of the Waterfalls"), in the Great Smokey Mountains, part of the Appalachian Trail. The agenda for the weekend is... man vs. woman...woman vs. campfire smoke blowing in your vs.the chase of the trout...woman vs. cooking over vs.the swift natural flow of the river...woman vs. no coffee vs. the art of the perfect cast of the fly rod...woman vs. hard, cold vs. beast...woman vs. weird sounds all vs.invigorating, robust, outdoor temperatures...woman vs. layers of clothing and somehow keeping a resemblence of vs. "back to nature" side...woman vs. primitive camping!!!

All that said, I do really look forward to these trips. My husband's enthusiasm is off the charts...he looks forward to these trips all year. Fall is his favorite time of year...everything about it. He loves the outdoors...everything about it. He loves flyfishing... everything about it. He loves camping and know already...everything about it. But, he sacrifices these things he loves, to hold down an important, fast-paced, always on his toes, office job. So three times a year, two times in October and one in November, his flyfishing club loads up and everyone heads north. He bestows on me a great honor and priviledge. My daughter and I are the only women that go on these trips. He brings us to share in something he loves. He wants to share it with us. And I do my best to embody the term "help mate". There are no demands from we women...we send Russell and Russ (our nineteen year old son) off to the river, making sure they have their flies, poles, waders and a snack in their flyfishing vests and we handle the rest. We keep the campfire going, make the meals, keep plenty of coffee on hand (why is there such a need for coffee just because you are outside), make frequent trips down to the river's edge to take pictures (we camp right on the river), and upon their return to the campsite listen attentively to all the details of their trek.

This year we are adding something new but very special. My nephew, Chad, and his girlfriend Meagan, are going to join us. My husband will have not only our son (who is a first rate fisherman), but now our son's cousin (he is 23), to initiate into the art of flyfishing. Chad, just like his uncle and cousin, is a lover of the mountains, camping, hiking, etc..Apart from being blessed with spending time not only with my family but also with my nephew and his girlfriend, I have a surprise for my husband! I am a hand quilter, I do nothing by machine. I am always working on one quilt or another. My husband, back during the summer, remarked that I had never made him a camping quilt. Oh, I have made several quilts, one especially that we call our mountain cabin quilt, but take them camping!? Our mountain camping quilt we take to the mountains but only when we stay in a cabin, with showers and heat. After all the work I put into that quilt I really would'nt want anything to happen to it. So to get back on track, I had him pick out some fabric he liked...mossy oak...and some alpine fleece in was his choice. He chose the amount, he wanted it big enough to cover him (he is a big fella 6'3" and 200 plus lbs.), most of the quilts I make are based on math not on covering his feet. He assured me I didn't have to start on it right away, he didn't need it until October. Well, I have been secretly working on it. It is on his mind, because every couple of weeks he has mentioned it..."Well, honey, better start thinking about my blanket (quilt is a girl term). We only have 3 months till we go on our trip!"..."Well, honey, only two months till we go on our trip. Better think about getting started on my blanket."..."Honey, you know our trip is in a month..hope you have time to work on my blanket."...and bless his heart, the last he spoke of "his blanket" was.."Well, I guess you didn't have time to work on my blanket..guess you could work on it and have it ready for next year?" The truth is IT'S ready and I will hold out until Friday morning, then ask him can he make room to pack it. I know he will be pleased...just one small way to repay him for the special ways he honors me.

So Friday morning, we will try to head out at first light, blanket in tow, eager to hook up with my nephew, our minds swirling with thoughts of swift flowing streams, record sized trout, campfires, nightime rituals of smores and campfire stories, endless pots of coffee and boundless love for each doesn't get any better than this!!!!

Your love, O Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies. Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains, your justice like the great deep. O Lord, you preserve both man and beast. How priceless is your unfailing love! Both high and low among men find refuge in the shadow of your wings. They feast on the abundance of your house; you give them drink from your river of delights. For with you is the fountain of life, in you light we see light. Continue your love to those who know you, your righteousness to the upright in heart. Psalm 36: 5-10
Thank you sweet Jesus!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

To Know You

Sweet Jesus,

This is what it means to me to know you...

I can believe in what I cannot see.
I see light even thought there is darkness.
I can feel strong even when I am weak.
I can feel comfort even when I look at your bloodied, tortured, body upon a wooden cross.
I can find acceptance even when being judged.
I am loved even at my worst.
I can be hopeful even when others tell me there is no hope.
I have someone to trust even when everyone around me disappoints me.
I can find joy in the everyday, mundane things in life.
I know I will live for an eternity, even though some think our days are numbered.
I know forgiveness even when I can't forgive.

You in your mercy, grace and love have taught me this and more...that is why I will forever praise you and glorify your holy name to all..generation to generation.

Humbly in your precious name,

*Please, as a comment, add to this list for His honor and glory....

Monday, September 26, 2005

Quiet and Still...

Take a minute and, just for yourselves, take a little survey for me. For you out there that don't work outside the home, how many days during the week do you not go anywhere all day (excluding carpool drop-off and pick -ups if you just go there and back)? If you work outside the home, how many evenings a week do you find yourself not going straight find yourself at Target, Wal-Mart or anywhere else other than home? How many times a week do you eat dinner out? How many Saturdays are spent at home? How many Saturdays are spent doing an activity as a family..a picinic, fall festivals, yard work, visiting Grandma? When you call it a day on Sundays, do you feel like you have had a day of rest? In relationship to the time spent shopping (exclude grocery shopping), eating out, going to the movies, on the computer...things that are not necessary for the running of daily much time is spent just being quiet, still and in the presence of our Lord!?

These are questions that we need to ask ourselves, and that includes me! How can we be quiet and still with the Father if we are too busy with other things in our lives? And, other than the daily things we need to do to run our lives efficiently, how important are the things we do? I grew up in a very orderly, peaceful home...five kids and a mom who was very loving and embodied the Proverbs woman. Time was something that was to be managed, not wasted. Her job, as the mother was to run an efficient, smooth running ship and we always knew that God was her Admiral. She had regular briefings with the "Admiral", smart enough to know she needed Him at the helm. She was very, very organized and always kept to task. For instance, she went grocery shopping only once a month. It puts me to shame...I can't even make it two days without making a trip for something. I have a zillion examples of the things she did to make our home a peaceful oasis, and a place of peace and quiet(see definitions below)and that is what is was. Time, for all of us, was made so that we could spend time with the Lord. And, as I said, especially in my mom's life...she always had her quiet time! But, it stands in sharp contrast to the way lives are lived today. It took what some people call "sacrifice".. it wasn't a sacrifice to her, she was doing what was best for her family, the job God called her to. She laid the groundwork for me in the here, to homeschool my children. Because of her teaching, training, and by her example I was able to lay the hasty activity ridden lifestyle aside and go down a path unknown to most moms, dads, and children nowadays. I was able to provide for my family a quiet life, peaceful and if I may say so, grand and uncluttered. "Better a handful with quiet than two handfuls with toil and chasing after the wind." (Ecclesiates 4:6).

One day I was talking with a friend from church...a woman with a real heart for the Lord..but she made a comment that really hit home and caused me to look hard at the lifestyles our generations were being sucked into. She was upset with her second grader because the child had forgotten to remind her of a special ballet practice they had to go to that afternoon. She was explaining to me that because the child had forgotten to remind her, it had not been noted in her daytimer and her schedule was just to busy to make time to go back home to retrieve the needed ballet paraphernalia. As her child stood beside us crying, fearful of being reprimanded at the practice, she tried to explain to me and the child the importance of the daytimer and just how busy her life was. Neither the child nor I understood! We are so busy chasing after the wind that our lives end up being swallowed into being sucked into the middle of a tornado. With all the swirling and deafening noise, how in the world can we be still and quiet and listen for the voice of our Lord! And there are consequences for listening and not listening to God. "But whoever listens to me may live secure, will have quiet, fearing no mischance." (Proverbs 1:33).

Have you ever looked up the definition of "quiet"? Here are a few of them..*of gentle or peaceful disposition...*not overt, private, distinguished...*undisturbed, uninterrupted; free or far from vigorous activity...*a state of being free from urgent tasks or agitation...some words from the definition...tranquil, undisturbed, calm, stillness...Look back over how you answered my unscientific survey and then think on the definiton. How does your life rate on the "quiet" scale? If you changed one or two things about your busy life right now would it bring you more quiet? Can you change just one thing in your social life to be able to say "Lord, my heart is not proud nor my eyes haughty; I do not occupy myself with things too great and too marvelous for me. But I have calmed and quietied my soul." (Psalm 131:1-2).

A quiet life is so important that the apostle Paul urges us to pray for each other.."I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thankgiving be made for everyone-for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good and pleases God our Saviour." (1 Timothy 2:1-2). And as always, our Father, is ready, when we heed his instructions to pour out his blessing..."The fruit of righteousness will be peace; the effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever." (Isaiah 32:17). If this post, just simple words from a woman who wants to continue living a quiet life doesn't stir something inside of you then read this.."In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength but you would have none of it". (Isaiah 30:15). In the after, I want to continue to lead a quiet, peaceful life. I want to examine my comings and goings on a regular basis... for more of my time to be spent thinking, meditating, reading, studying and being in God's presence than anything other activity. Let's set aside our busy life, the endless effort of filling time with things of this world and make more time for quiet, peace, and stillness...time dwelling in the presence of the Almighty.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

A Little Window

Enough is enough....I have had enough. I feel like I am on overload. Here it is.. another hurricane, catastropic, devastating, the biggest storm Texas has seen in 100 years. These are the headlines. It is written about in the newpaper, reported on televisions news, discussed on talk radio, and blogged about in post after post. We can debate all we want about our level of concern, and when and how it turns to aniexty and fear. For you, your concern might stay within the boundaries of offering up prayers, and doing something for the needy..donations or opening your home. But for me, and many of others aniexty seems to creep in through a very small window attempting to find the hallway to our souls. Be of no mistake, the name of that aniexty and fear is "Satan". "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." (1 Peter 5:8).

In this world we are faced with real and present world problems..9/11 tragedy, outbreaks of West Nile virus, Madrid and London bombings, kids disappearing and devastating storms. Real problems that we should stayed informed about. But there seems to be no getting away from the overload the media pushes on us unless we retreat to a cave (which seems to me like a viable choice right now). As christians, we have a continual battle to fight because we have an adversary that is strolling the streets of our minds looking for any litttle window to squeeze through so that he can take possession of our souls. Unconsciously, we might leave open a window if we are not vigilant, if we let our guard down. Most of us know the scriptures of trusting in our God and his providence...."As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forkake you."(Joshua 1:5). But Satan is a fighter, crafty, sly and he enters that small window (our minds), then tries his best to close it behind him, attempting to shut us off from life...Christ! "But I am afraid, lest as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds should be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ." (2 Corthians 11:3).

We need to fill our minds with the word of the Lord; he has instructed us to do that and that is the truth that we can stand on. But we also, as christian brothers and sisters, need to slip into that open window of each others mind, to speak loudly of things that are encouraging, pleasant, that lift us up, that keep us striving for pure devotion to our God.."Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body." (Proverbs 16:24). ""By speech wisdom shall be known" (Ecclesiates 4:24), "Is not a word better than a gift?" (Ecclesiates 18:17), and "Seeing then that we have such hope, we use great plainness of speech" (2 Corinthians 3:12).

As we enter this weekend and another horrific storm, possibly filled with tradgedy, let us storm heavens with our prayers for people in need. But let us also be the breeze of sweet speech that blows through the window of each other's minds. Let's help one another, with our words, concentrate on the hope that is in Christ Jesus. Let us also give each other a gift, a gift of speech..uplifting, encouraging and sweet.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Creation in the Country

I have had three to six bright green, tree frogs stuck to my kitchen window every evening for the last week. Those little fellas brought to mind a prank my husband used to play on unsuspecting young fireman when they came to his fire station. During his service, he was stationed at a firehouse closer to the country than the city. Their usual rountine after supper was to mop the floors in the kitchen. They kept the mops outside the building and apparently to tree frogs, the strings of the mops made for a good home. On any given evening you could, upon mop retrival, shake out a good dozen frogs from each mop. Here is where the prank plays in....instruct the new guy, after dinner and dishes, to fetch the mop so that the floors can be cleaned. It is of utmost importance in the scheme of the prank to give him careful instructions to spray the mop head with a good, strong, steady stream of hot water. While the unsuspecting poor guy is turning on the water and retriving the mop, the guys have cleared the building and are watching from around the corner. As he holds the mop, which reaches about chest and neck level, and sprays a good stream of hot water, out jumps zillions of upset tree frogs with their sticky pad ready to adhere to the nearest surface. That would be a poor fireman's chest and neck. What a shock, for a young city guy, as you get bombarded with angry sticky tree frog jumping all over you and to boot a group of your peers rolling in the grass hysterical with laughter.

I don't shoot my little green friends with hot water, I just leave them be. I smile at how fortunate I am that I live in the country and have tree frogs on the window over my kitchen sink. It is not only tree frogs I am blessed with. My country oasis is a treasure of nature. Our property is brimming with toads and frogs...bullfrogs,chorous frogs and cricket frogs. I have wonderful brown long thin walking sticks on my deck. There is limitless varieties of colorful moths stuck to my screen door every morning. Hanging from the pergola, over our deck, are three hummingbird feeders where whole families feed, sometimes as many as nine or ten at one time. At my bird garden, a regular occurance during the day, are brilliant sunny yellow finches, round, fat, capped chickadees and flaming red cardinals. In the spring, I can watch the bluebirds inspect the houses we have put up to give them a place to increase their families. After dark and well into the night, we can lay in our bed and hear the hoot of owls in the trees near our window. Playfull chipmunks scurry up our trees and early the other morning my husband had a baby wild rabbit follow Olivia (our basset hound) and him on a walk around the pasture.

We are blessed with an abundance of trees. Homeschool care-groups would bring their children out for me to give them an afternoon of tree identification. We have southern pines, many varities of oaks and maples, wild cherry, sassafras, hawthorn, sweetgum, mulberry, magnolias, dogwood,persimmon, and a fruit orchard..peach, apple and pear. From spring through fall the landscape is painted with the bright faces of wildflowers. Cheery black-eyed susans, tender violets, hardy goldenrod, and airy coreopsis are there waiting to be picked. Soooo very, very much of God's handiwork on display.

How then, could anyone who has ever spent one moment in the country, not acknowledge the power of our creator!?..."By the word of the Lord were the heavens made, their starry host by the breath of his mouth. He gathers the waters of the seas into jars; he puts the deep into storehouses. Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the people of the world revere him. For he spoke, and it came to be, he commanded and it stood firm." Psalm 33:6-9. "God made the earth by his power; he founded the world by his wisdom and stretched out the heavens by his understanding." Jeremiah 10:12. And.."How many are your workd, O Lord! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. There is the sea, vast and spacious, teeming with creatures beyond number-living things both large and small." Psalm 104:24-25. The next time a butterfly flitters by you, or you hear the sweet song of a song bird, or notice the cherry face of a wildflower... take a moment and acknowledge and revere our Creator, our King of the Universe with your praise and adoration!

Monday, September 19, 2005

New Beginnings

This morning is a new beginning. To me, every morning is a new beginning. I jump out of bed feeling like I can conqueror the world, that God has given me another morning, a new day, a clean slate to try again, to do it better, to surrender myself to Him once again, to change things that are not pleasing to Him. For me, it is not based on how much sleep I have gotten or it being a Monday morning or it being a Friday morning, it is something in me, that is, because God called me in righteousness. My Lord, had the perfect plan and the perfect time for giving me a lifelong task. The time he chose to unveil his task was the first time my eyes fell on my first baby. I was overcome with feelings of humbleness....gratfulness...the immenseness of God that those feelings opened my heart fully, laid it wide open and supple. Oh, I didn't feel anymore than most moms in that birthing room but God chose that moment to plant a seed in the tenderness of my heart. He also took a moment to whisper in my ear..."I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand, I will keep you....see, the former things have taken place, and NEW THINGS I declare"...(Isaiah 42:6a,9). God said, " things I declare.."... he called me and as His servant, I have tried my best to walk in his ways, to be obedient to the words he proclaimed to me... to declare new things each and every day! Lord, I have not forgotten the gift you gave me that night, the overwhelming gratefulness to you and the real and tangible display of your immense love for me. And, for the past twenty-two years, each morning I remind myself of that soft whisper, your calling and your promise to me. Father, I know on my own, I am not worthy but together I will continue to declare each and every morning a new beginning for you and for your glory!

For my big sis Toni!

Friday, September 16, 2005

Just Some R&R

*Today is the National Day of Prayer. As we humbly bow our heads in honor of God, our Father, let us pray that every nation and all peoples will come to know the King of Kings, accept the gift we were given through His sacrifice, and walk in the path that is revealed to us by our Lord and Creator. Let His sacrifice, a sacrifice of pure love, be the light that shines through us so that His perfect love can be illuminated to all. Also, let that light and your Holy Spirit, lift the darkness so that all needs can be met. Lord, let us, your servants, do your work here on earth, for no glory of our own, but to give glory to you, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Thank you for the priviledge of being one who belongs to you! AMEN

I don't know about ya'll, but I needed some light, fun, humor....September is an adjustment month and that sometimes can be as hard as it is exciting. So here is my small attempt at something light, and easy. I hope it will bring a smile (or maybe even a laugh) to you. "Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy." (Psalm 126:2). May our Lord and Saviour bless you this month with His wonderful and perfect joy, a joy that comes from knowing and walking with Him.

*See how well you do with these...answers will be at the bottom of this post.

-What letter comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, and never in a thousand years?

-Each of the clues below describe the name of a candy. Can you name them?
Example: Galaxy would be "Milky Way"
1.Sign of affection
2.Favorite day for working people
3. Can't hold on to anything
4. Famous swashbuckling trio
5.Sun explosions

And this bombo is a return favor....
-Can you read this?

Make prayer your life and your life a prayer...

The parson had been disturbed by a person who was a fast reader. "We shall now read the Twenty-third Psalm in unison," he announced. "Will the lady who is always by 'the still waters' while the rest of us are in 'green pastures,' please wait a minute until we catch up?"

After the fall in Garden of Eden, Adam was walking with his sons Cain and Abel. They passed by the ruins of the Garden of Eden. One of the boys asked, "What's that?" Adam replied, "Boys, that's where your mother ate us out of house and home."

A man asked his wife, "What would you most like for your birthday?" She said,"I'd love to be ten again." On the morning of her birthday, he got her up, bright and early and off they went to a theme park. He put her on every ride in the park, the Death Slide, The Screaming Loop, the Wall of Fear. Everything there was, she had a go. She staggered out of the theme park five hours later, her head reeling, and her stomach upside down. Into McDonald's they went, where she was given a Double Big Mac with extra fries and a strawberry shake. Then off to a movie theater, more burgers, popcorn, cola and sweets. At last she staggered home with her husband and collapsed into bed. Her husband leaned over and asked, "Well, honey, what was it like being ten again?" One eye opened and she groaned, "Actually, I meant dress size!"

1) Raising teenagers is like nailing Jell-O to a tree. 2) There is always a lot to be thankful for, if you take the time to look. For example, I'm sitting here thinking how nice it is that wrinkles don't hurt. 3) One reason to smile is that every seven minutes of every day, someone in an aerobics class pulls a hamstring. 4) Car sickness is the feeling you get when the monthly payment is due. 5) The best way to keep kids at home is to make a pleasant atmosphere- and let the air out of their tires. 6) Families are like fudge . . . mostly sweet, with a few nuts. 7) Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground. 8) Laughing helps. It's like jogging on the inside. 9) Middle age is when you choose your cereal for the fiber, not the toy. 10) My mind not only wanders; sometimes it leaves completely. 11) If you can remain calm, you just don't have all the facts.

The Bilble devotes some 500 verses on prayer, less than 500 verses on faith, but over 2000 verses on money and possessions.

Butterflies cannot fly if their body temperature is less than 86 degress.

Flamingo tongues were a common delicacy at Roman Feasts.

There are 49 different foods mentioned in the Bible.

Salt is mentioned 30 times in the Bible.

Almonds and pistachios are the only nuts mentioned in the Bible.

The shortest verse in the Bible consists of two words: "Jesus wept" (John 11:35)

The longest name in the Bible..Mahershalalbaz..(Isaiah 8:1)

*Answers to the riddles at the top of the page....
(M), (1.Kisses, 2.Payday, 3.Butterfinger, 4.Three Musketeers, 5.Star Bursts), (Too wise you are, too wise you be, I see you are too wise for me.)

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

First Step of Watch Recovery

The first step, they tell me, to recovery is admitting your problem. Okay, i'm taking a deep breathe....oooooo, standing up ( well, actually i'm sitting), and admitting..." Hello, my name is Trina and I AM A WATCHER...I love to watch!" There that wasn't so bad. I started out, in the here, watching out of a want to be be a good be a knowledgeable citizen. But watch what, you say!? Let me tell you.... It started slowly, almost subtly. I watched other homeschooling families ( how they interacted with each other, how they schooled more than one child). I watched nature (birds, frogs, butterflies, sunrises and sunsets). I watched people (standing in line never has bothered me, I can watch people all day long). But, slowly and surely that monster started creeping in with more watching...I watched sports, you know, those summer and winter olympic games. Then especially when my son started playing soccer and golf I wanted to learn the rules of the games, particularily golf (soccer was too fast for me). You know the PGA ( we have the Masters Tournament here), the Ryder Cup, the British Open...then because my dad loves the Atlanta Braves...well, you have to be able to discuss your dad's favorite team with him. Sooooo... I watched major league baseball, and added to that was the World Series, but along the way was the division championship games. Of course, before the end of baseball season it's time for football ...high school football (Thomson Bulldogs), college football, (the school that my two nephews have gone to), University of Georgia Bulldogs, and not to leave out the NFL, our home team, the Atlanta Falcons.

Lest you think my problem is only sports, let me reassure you....I love to watch the weather! My theory is weather watching took hold because my husband was always gone, defending other families from harm...twenty-one years as a firefighter. Someone had to keep abreast of those thunderstorm warnings, flash flood watches, and hurricanes spinning in the Atlantic. Mom was on the watch...first start weather (how to dress the children for the bus stop wait, only mine didn't ride the bus), morning weather, evening weather, local weather, regional weather, three day weather forecast, seven day forecast (one can never be overly prepared), storm track weather and of course, during the months of June through November hurricane weather watching.

If to recover I need to admit all, then maybe we should look at what is hidden in the closet. Before I fling open that door, ask yourself if you are really prepared to see this side of me. Ready... fling open that door. There it is in all it's glory.... NEWS ! I watch news and news programs. Of course, I started watching news because I wanted to stay informed, never realizing that for a "watcher" this could put me right over the edge. This too started small and slow but soon.....oh, let's just say it! I watch local news, world news, satellite news, and cable news. Add to that.. evening news, twenty-four hour news, celebrity news, political news, no-spin news and breaking news. And finally, there are the news programs... the O'Reilly's, the Tim Russet, the Hannity and the Colmes, the Greta (on the record), the 60 Minutes and the 48 Hours.....AHHHHH, I can't go on!!

Ohhh, but I can go on! There is hope for me in the after, this new phase of my life. Could it be possible that I don't have to totally give up "the watch"? Could it be possible that "watching" is an important job. The answer is YES. The Bible has alot to say about "watching" and it is here, in the pages of God's word that I will find the answers. God's word exhorts us to always be watching (easy for me, i've mastered that)..."Be always on the watch and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man." Luke 21:36. In the book of Proverbs it tells us we will be blessed when we "watch"..."Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway." Proverbs 8:34. The word of God also tells us to "watch" what we say..."Set a guard over my mouth, O Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips." Psalm 141:3. The Bible also talks about watching in prayer; equipping us to be forewarned of and to pray against the devil's plans and schemes. "With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, watching with all perseverance and petition for all the saints." Ephesians 6:18... "We prayed to our God and set a watch against them day and night." Nehemiah 4:9..."Be of sober spirit, be watchful. Your adversary, the devil, prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour." 1 Peter 5:8. And one last "watch", a watch for eternity..."Keep watch therefore, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming." Matthew 24:42. In the after, I will trade in my sports watching, my weather watching, and yes, oh yes, my news watching. The "watching" I will me doing is called spiritual watching, watching for the signs to everlasting life!