Thursday, November 17, 2005

Another side

I want to respond to the post my good friend Jan wrote yesterday, November 16, 2005. If you haven't already read it please do so. Thje topic she posted on is about "speaking", the connection between sin and the spoken word. Our good friend Bomba in a post he wrote entitled "Personalities" brougth up this subject and in the comments we had lots to say (check it out). Again, I have lots to surprise there. This is something close to my heart and as it seems close to the hearts of many other christians!

In Jan's post, I recognized a woman who has such a deep love for her Father that she looks deep within herself, yearning to be the best child she can be to her heavenly Father. She might not know the chapter and verse but she understands that God calls us to examine ourselves...2 Corinthians 13:5 "Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith, test yourselves." This to me is a pretty positive sign that she IS growing deeper and deeper in her love and faith with her Saviour and in that growth God can use her words in a multitude of ways. After all we are" to go out into the world and preach the word of God".

She is a woman who has shared with us through her words that she is a sinner, as we all are. But her words to us are that we have to continually go to the cross....we cannot be content with enjoying our sinfulness even for an instant. She lists the obvious speaking offences but goes much deeper...she, and I will use her words, lets the Holy Spirit "plumb the depths of that sinfulness" so that she can beg forgiveness and be ministered to. She speaks the words of Psalm 119:36-37 by her example..."Turn my heart toward your stautes and not toward selfish gain. Turn my eyes away from worthless things; preserve my life according to your word."

Her words have taught and instructed....which she has beeen called to do by the words of her Creator and Saviour. "True instruction was in his mouth and nothing false was found on his lips. He walked with ME in peasce and uprightness, and turned many from sin." (Malachi 2:6) Also, let us not forget the bold instruction given to Jeremiah which is an example to us.."I do not know how to speak; I am only a child (this is Jeremiah)." But the Lord said to me, "Do not say, 'I am only a child.' You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you," declares the Lord. Then the Lord reach out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me,"Now, I have put my words in your mouth..." (Jeremiah 1 :6-10). I can affirm that in the short time I have known her that her words have turned me from sin...her words bringing God's light to me, helping me care more for others, striving to be less judgemental, bringing me time and time again to the feet of the cross humble asking forgiveness for my short comings.

From her mouth have come to me words of compassion...with Jan I have shared fears and sadness, suffering and hurt. The Lord has spoken to me through her which would not be possible if she did not know HIS words and did not know HIM in such a personal way. She had been the tangible reminder of the words in Isaiah 54:10.."Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be remove." says the Lord, who has compassion on you. She has been faithful to respond in her words to remind me of God's immense love for me, how much he cares for me and to remind me of his constant protection. She has shown great compassion, through her posts and comments, to feel the pain , distress, sadness and confusion of others. And in that she is serving her Master, following in the example of the one who has the ultimate corner on compassion.

Jan has been, with God's help, able to do all this with words that "bubble" out with joy and enthusiasm. There is no way, if you read her posts, that you could miss the joy and enthusiasm she feels for her King of Kings. Her words express Psalm 89:1-2.."I will sing of the Lord's great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations. I will declare that your love stands firm forever, that you established your faithfulness in heaven itself." More times than I can count I have been a little down and either by her posts or by the words left on my comments (or ones that we both read) I have been lifted up. God has used her words to bring me back into the joyful arms of my Saviour.

Is Jan human? Does Jan fail? Does Jan feel doubts and insecurities? Yes, I am sure she does....she is a part of the human race battling sin each and every day. Jan asked in yesterday's blog if in speaking could she be sinning? I am sure that she has made a mistake or two in that area but what I see in her words are something I can not do without! I see a strong, compassionate, caring, loving, God lead woman who is fulfilling a job that Christ has lead her to. He has given her the skill of communication, the heart for others. There is something else very special and possible unknown even to her... we are observing through her thoughts and words the process of the dying of oneself and in turn a deep, deep relationship with God. I find that an awesome priviledge.

And one last testimony. When I started blogging in July of this year I had very little contact with other christians which was somewhat sudden. I had homeschooled my children and live out in the country. This same time last year they graduated from high school and started into college which made my home very, very quiet. Neighbors are very scarce and to go to town you have to drive. Everyday up until the children graduated was kind of like bible school...reading the bible with them...writing their English papers about christian issues...all our subjects were always faith based. Around here I was always fortunate to have at least two other people to share the Lord with on a hourly basis if I wanted! Then college came (they still live at home but are gone all day) and it was just me here day after day. And on top of that, we had car issues and my vehicle went to them. So, I was not able to join a bible study group or get together for lunch on a regular basis with my other good christian friends. I did have my two sisters who talk on the phone with me alot and my best friend Betty who most of you know. She commits Thursday to come out here and spends it with me. Before you feel tooo sorry for me I was doing okay and then God brought blogging to me. I thought the purpose was for me to share with other homeschool moms what I was going through.....I am not so sure of that now and haven't been sure for sometime. It has for me been kind of a blogging bible study and instead of bringing to me women who are struggling through what I was he brought me a circle of diverse new friends! A wonderful group of dedicated christian brothers and sisters who have encouraged me, prayed for me, shared joyfulness with me, spurned me on to examine my walk with Christ, and loved me boundlessly. I have grown in Christ, my prayer time has been on fire, my knowledge of scripture has exploded and all this fruit from the written word. And what is equally amazing is Jan is in British Columbia, Canada and I am in Dearing, Georgia! Another of my dear christian friends who has answered the call is his twenties, interested in music, unmarried and in Alabama. Go figure!!!I don't think he was pulled in by my thoughts and feelings of being in your forties, married for 28 years and having young adult children!!!! I'm telling ya'll, you and your words are of our God's perfect plan and I am here to testify to that!

So Jan, that is another side of the words you speak...should you be silent today? If the Holy Spirit is leading you to that heck yes! But, as for me you are doing a mighty work for our Lord and Saviour and I need you to pass on to me the thoughts He lays on your heart. Also, be on guard that Satan is not trying to steer you off the path of writing...there is so much fruit being bore I can see the devil wanting to put a stop to that. If God uses the fruit that has come from my life to test if you have been following Him and his will then there is no way you can receive any words short of "You are my good and faithful servant." Keep dishing out to us, through the words of our Lord and Saviour, the truth, the light and the way!!!


Jan said...

Gulp...I'm speechless. I don't see myself quite the way you do. But, I thank you for the positive comments on my blog in general.
I received your email tonight. I will pray about the matters that you disclosed to me.
I wish that I was able to send emails in response. I don't understand why my server(Shaw)isn't able to link up with BellSouth. Please don't stop sending your emails. I enjoy reading all the details about your life that your blog only hints at.

Jan said...

I tried sending you another email but it was returned to my inbox last night. I've sent another request of to our server (Shaw) to see why this problem can't be rectified.
Patti graciously offered to have me send mail to her that she could then forward to you, but the bellsouth address is the problem.
When we get through this move I WILL send you something via snail mail.
Praying that all is well with you and your family. I'm interested to hear about the health of your extended family - particularly how the surgery went. I've been thinking about them. Peace be with you.

Jan said...

I sent you an email(a few days ago) to the address you gave me in your email. I don't know if Alicia got it, but I tried?
I'm going to forward it to my husband's office and see if he can send it from there.

Jan said...

I miss your postings. I check everyday to see if you have something insightful to share with us. I'm waiting...

Anonymous said...

I miss your postings too