Wednesday, November 16, 2005

A jump out of stale!

Well, I hope you have read 1 Chronicles 16:23-32. I have taken just a portion of this psalm of thanks from David. Most of us know that we are to give God our thanks and praise but I find myself, too often, saying the same words over and over....kind of stuck in a praise routine. Oh, my praise is from the heart and is meant in all sincerity, but for me, right now it is rather stale! Your thanksgiving might be fresh and if it is great...for me, He showed me ten steps to "freshen up" my praise using verses 23-31. I will list the steps, which for the most part coincidence with the verses then end with some praise using the steps. Just sit back and enjoy what God showed me....

1. Proclaim his salvation day after day
2. Declare his glory
3. Declare his marvelous deeds
4. Praise his greatness
5. Refer to his glory and strength
6. Refer to the glory due to him, God Almighty
7. Bring him an offering..."I offer you my love, my heart, commitment..."
8. Say "the Lord reigns!"
9. Give him your thanks
10. Do it with joy and jubilance and even in song

My most merciful Father...How can anything I do for you compare to those horrific hours you hung from that wooden cross, in payment for the sins that I have and will commit. It is only because of you, and through you carrying the burden for all of us, that we are redemed and will, one day, be joined with you for eternity. It is only because of your grace and your suffering that we have been saved and will leave this life to stand in your presence never to leave your side.
You have laid before me all the works of your hands....all your splendor surrounds me. Your majesty cannot be have covered the earth in it, from the heights of the sky, ablaze with the twinkling of a zillion stars, to every creature small and large that live in the deepest depths of the ocean. All glory belongs to you. Nothing, especially life, was done by all fits into your marvelous plan. You designed this world and me to fit into your perfect plan. We have been put here for and with a plan, your plan, what a marvelous deed! Great are you and your greatness I will praise this day and in the days ahead.
You are creator, you are sustainer, you are my strength, you ARE...without you there would be no one..nothing. That is why I call you Saviour, Creator, Lord, Father, Almighty, and humbly I call you "Most Holy One". I would not be worthy to even speak your name but I have asked and you have healed me. Today I, in all my unworthiness, give myself back to you. Because I belong to you I offer this day to you. I will listen attentively for you to call me to be used for your service. I will open my heart to your Holy Spirit, so that I can walk in your ways, so that I can continue to grow, so that I can draw closer to you. Forgive me, Lord, for where I have failed you, for where I have fallen short, for what I have done and what I have failed to do. I trust in you and feel your forgiveness...I know you love me and I know that I can declare with confidence that my "Lord reigns!"
Thank you for your ultimate sacrifice for me, for your immense love, for your unending forgiveness, for your constant protection, for your continual leading, for your loving patience, for blessing me abundantly, and for loving me enough to bring me into this world and your perfect plan.
To you is all glory and power for day and for always....


Jan said...

Why do I get stale in my prayer-life? What brings me to the place where I have nothing new or deeply heartfelt to say to God?
For me, it's weariness caused by failing to spend more time with Him. Not scouring His Word for more knowledge, but spending in God's presence just trying to understand Him more.
I don't think I can get what I need on the fly. Meditation on God's Word takes time. Maybe that the greatest deficit we're experiencing in our much-too-busy world.

Colette said...

Jan and Bomba,
Amen..again, I hate to sound like a broken record but we need the quiet...we need the slower pace...we need to withdraw so we can be drawn inward. Also, I was thinking that in the staleness of my prayer life so much in those fleeting moments is about me or my wants and needs. I need to get in my requests before I get distracted or need to move onto the long list of duties for the day. That doesn't leave much time for honoring, "scouring", or meditating. It's a "get the job done" mentality. It is something I continually battle.
Thank you Jesus for your patience with me.