Monday, September 19, 2005

New Beginnings

This morning is a new beginning. To me, every morning is a new beginning. I jump out of bed feeling like I can conqueror the world, that God has given me another morning, a new day, a clean slate to try again, to do it better, to surrender myself to Him once again, to change things that are not pleasing to Him. For me, it is not based on how much sleep I have gotten or it being a Monday morning or it being a Friday morning, it is something in me, that is, because God called me in righteousness. My Lord, had the perfect plan and the perfect time for giving me a lifelong task. The time he chose to unveil his task was the first time my eyes fell on my first baby. I was overcome with feelings of humbleness....gratfulness...the immenseness of God that those feelings opened my heart fully, laid it wide open and supple. Oh, I didn't feel anymore than most moms in that birthing room but God chose that moment to plant a seed in the tenderness of my heart. He also took a moment to whisper in my ear..."I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand, I will keep you....see, the former things have taken place, and NEW THINGS I declare"...(Isaiah 42:6a,9). God said, " things I declare.."... he called me and as His servant, I have tried my best to walk in his ways, to be obedient to the words he proclaimed to me... to declare new things each and every day! Lord, I have not forgotten the gift you gave me that night, the overwhelming gratefulness to you and the real and tangible display of your immense love for me. And, for the past twenty-two years, each morning I remind myself of that soft whisper, your calling and your promise to me. Father, I know on my own, I am not worthy but together I will continue to declare each and every morning a new beginning for you and for your glory!

For my big sis Toni!


Anonymous said...

I am so glad that God gives us a new begining everyday.

Jan said...

I'm trying to learn this. It's harder for we night-owls to be quite so exhuberant in the morning. But, the kids and I are practicing the verse, "This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it."
We say it together each morning as we step into the classroom. It's helping us to keep our attitude positive. At far!

Patti Doughty said...

Jan, I've noticed the time stamp on some of your Comments, and I'm amazed!! You must be like my sister, Toni, that this Post was dedicated to. Toni's always been a night owl. for years, I could call her at midnight and have a nice chat before she even began to think about bed. I'll pray the Lord will impress that scripture not just in your head, but in your heart!

Jan said...

Yes, I don't know when this night-owl problem began with me. Was it when I was going to University and had all that studying to do? Or perhaps those first few years of teaching when I had more enthusiasm and energy for my job than was necessary? Or, maybe it happened when I had babies and had to wake up to feed them at night? Or, was it when I had William, my last baby, who had severe allergies and asthma from birth?( I often had to rush to Emergency with him to get a shot, or have him put on a nebulizer). Or, was it that I found night-time to be the only breathing space in my day when I could read and think? I don't know which to blame. Maybe all the stages of my life have contributed to the problem.

Colette said...

we condition ourselves when our children are babies to function on only a few hours sleep. I was the same. Then when I started to homeschool the night, after everyone was in bed was the only time I had to work on lessons. There is three years between mine so no chance of combining grade levels. Then at the high school level I had to stay up at night to work the trig problems or go back over the biology or read "The Scarlet Letter". It had been twenty years since I had been in school. I went to the doctor about two years ago because of migraines..."how many hours of sleep do you get a night?" I answer, "oh, about four!" He wanted me to go to stress management classes. So now I try to get at least six hours per night.