Friday, October 07, 2005

The Sun, My Son

This weekend, as we were driving home from our camping trip, my son and I were discussing what he did not like about the mountains. He loves the fishing, the camping, the changing leaves but he does not like that the sun is not bright and visible. That is the problem with the "Smokey Mountains". There is always a haze, a greyness, filtered light...not the bright shinning sun like at the beach and he loves the beach especially the bright sunlight. I could not help, as he talked, of listing in my mind some of the adjectives used in conjuntion with the "sun" and how these describe my "son".

The first one that comes to mind is "bright" son is very smart and not only is he smart but he picks up on things very quickly. He pays attention and listens, files it away, and brings it back when needed. He is able to teach himself, he, if interested, and is eager to learn. Put these together and I think that qualifies him as "bright".

As the "sun" is ever-moving so is my son. He wants to participate in it all, is ready to try new things, puts himself out there to be and take part of whatever is going on. He enjoys new experiences and can do things with one person, a group of people, young people or the elderly, boys or girls...which helps keeps him ever-moving!

The sun is "holy". There are multiudes of scripture which relate to the sun and light and is used in the context of holy. My son is like this....he is not a saint, no perfect by any means but has a holiness about him... a deep sense of right and wrong, of godliness and ungodliness, of God's presence in his life. He really attempts to make "holy" choices and knowing his heart as only a mother can...he's "holy" in my book.

I looked up "sun" in an old 1940's book of adjectives that I have. One that jumped out at me was "joyous". That is really my son. He always shows joy, passes it on with his attitude, spends each day joyous for whatever is coming his way. Being joyous is a choice, for some coming easier for others, and he definetly chooses sees the joy in life.

"Ministering" is something related often to the sun...the effects of the sunlight on our mental health, ect.. Russell also has this quality. He is the source of help that everyone comes to. It happens often that someone comes to him, telling him about a problem and asking his advice on what to do. He listens attentively, always seems to be able to come up with something quite logical, simple and sound. Back during the summer months, he was headed home one evening when he called us on his cell. He told us that he would be late picking up his sister due to a friend needing to see him right then. When questioned further, it was one of his male friends who was having some sort of girl crisis and needed to talk it over with Russ. My husband remarked how different times have changed...he thought that was a girl kinda thing..crisises in your love life and needing a friend. It was then, in talking over other instance that came to mind that we realized...boys, girls..they need him to minister to them.

Have you noticed how the sun is "never-hurried". It comes up when it is suppose to, makes it way across the sky, taking all day then slowly sets. My son, even though he is busy, he projects a relaxed style...he seems "never-hurried". He is orderly and stays on schedule which keeps him from seeming hurried, flustered, in a rush. He makes the most of his time so he is able to fit in all that he wants or needs to do with being hurried. Yes, I would vote for "never-hurried".

Russell has a great smile, he is a handsome guy, and always connsiderate, and kind...a very "pleasant" person on the inside and out. I looked up the definition and it read, "pleasing to the mind, feelings, or senses." There is no need to say more...he encompassses this.

One thing all my family can agree on is that Russ is steady....steady as the "sun" is. He has an even temper, he is loyal to all his friends, he always works hard on whatever he is doing. He is a man of a few words, speaking when he has something to say but mostly listens. He is steady...he can be relied on and his actions, for the most part, can be banked on.

When Russ was about three we made a conscious decision that when his daddy was at the firehouse, he should sit in daddy's chair at the dinner table. This was not to put undue pressure on him but to start modeling him into a strong, responsible, protective man. One day, we knew he would have a family to care for and he would be the "strengthening" force in his family. Little by little we wanted to train him to be strong without taking away any of the God given gentleness that was within him. He has a strongness, a strength that others draw from. Strong in his convictions, strong in his relationships, strong in his determination, strong in his faith....strong and strengthening everyday just like the strengthening of the "sun".

As a young man, he probably would not like to hear me say this but he is "tender". Tender like the sun's rays on a spring morning...tender like the early morning sun...tender like the last glimpse of the sun settting on the horizon. When he was born, God gave us a gift of the tenderness in him. I had a girl first, and was very happy to have this one and then more..plenty of girls...I came from a family of girls. The last thing I could imagine was having a loud, harsh, hard son. I knew a tenderness in his father, thought at times thought that men made like that were miracles... that didn't or wouldn't happen often, but knew in that respect I wanted him to be like his dad. I prayed and prayed and prayed and God answered that prayer...He gave me a son with a tender heart, a softness ....just like his daddy. One day, there will be a girl in his life that will be greatly blessed, like the girls in our family are, because of this tender heart in a man's body.

And lastly, an adjective that the "sun" and my "son" share is warmth. He has a warm spirit, a warm heart, and a warmth in the way he deals with people. Have you experienced sitting in the sun on a spring day and being so cozy that you drift off into a nap? The warmth of the sun as made you relaxed, calm, serene. The warmth bring a tranquility to you...just like my "son". The adjectives here...relaxed, calm, serene, cozy, tranquility, warmth, they all describe my "son". He treats other in a relaxed, calmand warm manner. He makes them feel serene and cozy around them. When you are with him you feel tranquill....just like the warmth of the "sun".

Thank you for listening...I know all of you feel the same about your children! As parents we love our children with full hearts and of course see the very best in them. Thank you for allowing me to boast for a little is not something I try to do often. God has blessed me with two wonderful children. It is through His blessings, His grace, His guidance that I have been given these precious gifts of life. He has given me a "son" to love, train, nuture, and raise to walk the path of a righteous man of God and I am doing the best I know how. It is only with my Lord and Saviour at my side guiding me in every minute of every day that I can attempt to do the job he has graciously given to me. And thank you, son, for giving me, your daddy, and your sister such joy, love, trust, and pride in the child of God you are. I love you beyond words.....Mom.


Patti Doughty said...

He truly is everything you say. He's a delight and great joy to his aunts, uncles and cousins, as well as your family and his grandparents.

We all love him dearly and are blessed to have him in our lives. I hope one day he chooses a woman with a gentle spirit that truly CAN appreciate his kind and gentle heart.

Monica Chadwell said...

Hi Trina,

Your words really touched me. I have a young son, 13. He just recently came to live with my husband and me after his daddy passed away earlier this year. He had lived with him in Tennessee, till then. We've always been close, but the distance of geography has been difficult. Now that we're back together, my heart just sings. I can't imagine ever being without him again.

Thank you for sharing such warmth and tenderness with all of us. You seem to be much like the 'sun' yourself.