Tuesday, January 24, 2006


My friend Bomba tagged me so here goes...

1)Mothers who are in a public place and hollering at their children to "stop crying". If they don't stop crying what are the mothers going to do. Spank them so there is more crying? Continue to talk loud and threaten them some more so everyone knows who is in control?

2)People who see someone they know and then later they make the statement "You know _______________(the person they saw earlier) never spoke!" Well, you apparently didn't speak either. Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black? Who are you.. the Queen of Sheba? Why couldn't you be the one to wander over and make a friendly choice?

3)Speeding....to me it is one of the easiest rules to follow. Just get up in enough time to get where you are going on time. If you are running late, so keep to the speed limit and take the consequences of being late. After a few consequences you will start giving yourself plenty of time. And by the way, I have been driving since I was 15 and have never had an accident or ticket (especially for speeding).

4)This one is another traffic issue (do i need therapy?). It drives me crazy to be behind any vehicle, but mostly trucks, that are carrying something that hangs out the back and it doesn't have a red flag tied to it. How difficult is it to wrap something red around the end of a board that's hanging 10 feet out of the back of your truck. Don't you know that law is for the safety of the other drivers out there. All you contractors, if you will e-mail me, I will send you a torn strip of red fabric to tie on whatever item you will be hanging out of the back of your truck (hahaha, just kidding!)

5)Okay, here is the last one....It really bothers me to go out to dinner and sit next to a group where everyone is drinking fishbowl margaritas or huge pitchers of beer. Who in the heck is driving home? And they always have children with them and they sit the children at a separate table to annoy, misbehave, and ruin a nice evening for anyone sitting around them. So, you have a table full of loud, drinkers who have drunk enough to be over the legal limit and are going to drive home to put other innocent lives in jeopardy, and a table full of uncontrolled, unmonitored children who are ruining everyone else's evening out when they should be at home with a baby sitter watching cartoons. Sorry, this might have been two!

There it is...I tag Mercy Drops and Joy is Strength and anyone else that would like to weigh in.


Anonymous said...

I hate being behind those kind of trucks as well. Here in bham, you get behind dump trucks carrying rocks and they have no tarp over them and they are filled to the brim. Ouch, there goes the head light. Man, there goes the fog light. Crap, there goes the windshield.

Colette said...

You really made me laugh....thanks!!!!

Jan said...

Okay, I got your tag. I'm going to have to think about that for a bit. P.S. Sorry.I haven't gotten around to sending that letter yet. I'll get on it in the next day or two.