Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Deep roots

I love gardenia bushes. In our yard area we have planted lots of them. Several times last year we have had to dig up one or two that looked sickly and move them. It wasn't a hard job....the plants were small and the root system not very deep or strong.

Last Wednesday when talking about the Georgia Bulldawgs (there Ton-Ton, that is for you) I made reference to the fans deep rooted love for their team. If the life source of a plant or tree is it's roots, our phsyical life source is our hearts. God's words commands us to love Him with ALL our heart. The way to grow strong, deep roots in plants, as we all know, is to provide the plant with good soil, water, fertilizer, sunshine and tender loving care. The way to grow deep roots in our spiritual life.. to love Christ totally, wholeheartedly, and completely... is to read our bibles faithfully, to go to church to be taught and instructed, to fellowship with other christians to support and build each other up and to have time alone with Christ to pray and listen for his voice.

There are so many things in this life that can be considered "good things" studies, church activities, fun weekends with friends, organized sports, internet(!), music, television... and the list goes on. I read an article once about a man who had a God given ability in the music field. He practiced every day without fault for a minimum of 5 hours. When he wasn't practicing he was in some of the most famous concert halls playing flawlessly. There was only one problem...he was so busy with a "good thing" here on earth that ETERNITY was completely overlooked. He was not a christian. He had never had time for Christ, to honor the one who gave him the gift of music, to build deep roots in his heart with his Saviour for his life in the after.

Even as christians we forget to aggressively nuture our roots. Oh, yes, we pray, read scripture, attend church. But, if you are a gardner you know that a little sunshine, a few sprinkles of rain, and a handful of time release pebbles is not enough. We cannot be satisfied with "good" in our lives. We need to look at our relationship with the Lord past and present, and push past "good". We need to look at our home life, our work life, our life styles and demand not just "good"...not even "better"...we need to accept nothing but "BEST" from ourselves. We are talking about deep roots with our Lord that wll sustain us in times of sad times..hard times..times of uncertainty. In the spring, as I stroll through the garden department looking for my time release pebbles I have been known to pass by the Wal-Mart brand...I want the best for my favorite gardenias. I head straight to the Miracle Grow...only the best for my plants. I want that for my Lord and Saviour also...not "good"...not "better" but the "best" for the roots that I am growing in Christ Jesus. I want my heart, I want my all, to be strong and healthy...
I want to be deep rooted in Christ Jesus.

Blessed is the man who trustsin the Lord, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree plalnted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. I thas no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit. Jeremiah 17:7-8

1 comment:

mommy to six J's said...

i loved your post have a grat weekend char