Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Let me give you the definition of "faith"..."Strong belief; trust; confidence. " All of us who have ever entered a church have heard one sermon or another about just have "faith"...if we just hold onto our "faith"....it (whatever) will come about if our "faith" is strong enough. It is not only in church...I know you have been told this if you have shared any kind of adversity with most any christian. Have you ever been out of a job..."give it to the Lord, have faith, He will bring you a job". What about if you or someone close to you has been ill..."claim it, have faith and God will heal him/her". Maybe you are single and desire a mate.."tell him you want and mate, stand on faith and He will bring you one".

If this has never happened to you then maybe this post is not for you but it is something that has laid on my heart a long time...it has happened to me and plenty, and I think God has given me some direction to share. I believe in the above statements but the problem I have and see is that there is one detail left out.

I think we have been innocently led to believe in the happening of things, of our prayers being answered, instead of in the power of God to have his will come about. Let's take any of the fore mentioned trial and adversities for example. Does having "faith" mean that we ask the Lord to bring another job, healing, a mate for life, ect.. and then expect that He will. Not entirely...as a christian, we are suppose to believe in the power of God to do anything, we can bring that petition to Him, but there is more. This is were the "faith" comes in....we are suppose to pray like the example in John 26:39, "Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, 'My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.'

Jesus has given us the perfect example of the way our "faith" should have us believe. We are not "strong in our faith" if we offer our petitions and then expect that what we have asked for is going to be given. The real test of faith is being able to, yes, have a strong belief that all is possible through Christ. But we have to also believe with all our hearts, minds and souls that His plan for us, His knowledge of what is best for us, His perfect will is the most important aspect of us being His creation, of us belonging to Him, and of us trusting that our vision is so finite we have to rest completely in His will. Every thing we are, every minute of our lives, every person we meet, every job we have, everything in this life plays into the perfect plan of God. Our lives play either directly, or indirectly depending on how we respond to God as our maker, but it is not ours...this life is not about what we want or think we need...it is about fullfilling God's perfect plan. And God is the only one who really knows what that plan is, which way the path goes, and He is the only one who really, fully understands it all. Each new day is a gift to us...a new day for us because of His will, another day for us to attempt to walk in His plan, to play out a part of His will for us.

Another point is, that if we do not understand that we can and are suppose to bring our petitions to the feet of our Lord, but don't understand that we should want and continue to rest in His will that we are setting ourselves up as a playground for Satan. If we believe in asking and receiving based on "how much faith we have" in the requesting part, bringing and asking for our request, then what happens when what we ask for doesn't coinicide with God's will and that request is delayed or even denied. I know of people that this has happened to. They have questioned their worthiness to God, they have condemned themselves for not being "soldiers of faith", and in some instances have turned away from God altogether. Again, it is right and just to bring our petitions, our requests, our wants, our desires to him....God's word instructs us to do this, but with those last words of John 26:39..."...Yet not as I will, but as you will."

Then what about the scriptures that speak to us about feverent prayers, commited prayers, ect..Well, I think that we do not fully understand God's will, but I know that God does bestowe mercy and blessings on us. I know that as we mature, as more of us is poured out to Him, as we release ourselves for Him and to Him that those actions are blessed by Him. I believe that "his will" is not alway the simple answer of our prayers being answered or not answered but more the hearts, commitment and depth of the relationship with God behind the request, petition or desire. After all He is God and anything is possible for his mighty hands....as our loving Father, though, the answer will play a part in his plan, whether a natural part of His perfect will, because of mercy on his part or because His desire is to bestowe upon us a blessing. I do know that why, for me, right now is not important. For me, I am working on my "faith" being strong and righteous, on being able to ask ALL things in His name, to fall on my face and make my wants, desires, wishes be known but to never forget to loudly profess "Yet not as I will, but as you will"! Please, O loving Father, help me to be a woman of faith, for I want "your will to be done".

"This, then, is how you should pray: "Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thine will be done on earth as it is in heaven...."
Matthew 6:9a


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post. I have actually been praying about something today and this post made me change my "way of prayer."

Yes, I want God to have his way but I realized that I needed to be praying for God to change the other person. Because it is that person that has control over the situations outcome.

Again, thanks for being a "woman of God" and sharing with us what God has shown you.

Jan said...

As I was reading your post two references in the Bible came to mind.(Well, actually more, but I don't want to write a sermon! Ha!)
The first reference in to the story in Matthew 14 about Peter walking on the water. When the waves began to whip up, he became afraid and cried out for Jesus to save him. Jesus reply was, "Oh, you of LITTLE faith". And, then Jesus let Peter drown? No. He reached out His hand and pulled Peter out of the water.
Coming from another perspective, the other passage that struck me was Hebrews 11 where it talks about all the heroes of faith. They held on to their belief in God despite that fact that none of them ever got to see God's promises fulfilled. see Hebrews 11:39.
When I received Christ as my personal Saviour I hardly knew what faith was. If my faith is the basis for God reaching out to me and blessing me, I'd be doomed.

Colette said...

Thanks you both for your input and from neither one of you do I mind sermons, thoughts, more input...I love your hearts for the Lord and for little old me. My walk is made easier and each day made brighter due to your friendship. Please continue to pray that my husband will have a job soon if that be God's will! We are learning patience...one of us more than the other (hahaha) but the Lord is faithful to let us know He has not forgotten us. And even that is not required of Him. I will just try to continue to praise His name in all things as far as my mind...that might go sooner (hahaha).
Again, thanks for your love and support..you both are treasured friends.
In Christ together,