Friday, September 15, 2006

Sing to Him

As I was driving I was listening to the radio and some great lyrics jumped out at me and they have been playing in my head ever since.

I think what caught me so was that they were simple yet they said alot. And they were sung with such confidently. You see, I have a few things that I speak confidently about. I am one of those people when showing their driver's license and asked if I work (they are looking for a work phone in case the check is bad), I boldly state, "Yes, I work...I am running a household, raising a family and providing a peaceful place for my husband to lay his head at night! YES..I do work and my work number IS my home number!" Of course, my husband seems to disappear at the first words of asking for my license....I wonder why? But, that is one thing in my life that I have a real conviction about.

There are other honoring my family..children, husband and parents. Whenever asked about them I always attempt to say very positive things about them. It is not that I want to hide their flaws, my closest friends know what is happening in my family, but when pleasantries are exchanged I always want to say the best about my family. The fact is we are like any family and have our problems but I have a great family and it is my duty as the mom to always do my best to protect their integrity. I really do believe that!

And then there were those great song lyrics which to me were really a few statements of my beliefs...truths that I believe to the core of my very soul. Listening and then playing them over and over in my head it was almost like being asked for my driver's license! I believe these words, I want to shout them out confidently and with conviction. These words define who I am because what I believe makes me who I am! Enough already, what are the lyrics? Here they are and go ahead with me...shout them out with conviction...let the heavens be moved with our praise!

My saviour loves,
My saviour lives,
My saviour's always there for me...
My God HE WAS,
My God HE IS,
Thank you for singing His praises with me...HE WAS, HE IS, HE IS ALWAYS GOING TO BE!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My Saviour Loves
My Saviour Lives
My Saviours always there for me.

My God he was
My God he is
My God is always going to be.

on another note: I am going with my dad tomorrow to Woodstock, GA to meet some people my parents are buying a camper for. How far are you from there?