Friday, September 01, 2006

A contract for life

This weekend I will be celebrating my anniversary. If seems at times that it was just yesterday that the church was filled with flowers and people, that the members of my family looked as sharp as they had ever looked and my mom outshone the bride. I had my sisters surrounding me as my bridesmaid and maid of honor, I had my mom making sure everything was just perfect and my daddy right beside me to hold me up. I remember, as clear as day, my dad patting my hand and telling me to just hold on to him...he would get me to the altar. I felt beautiful, blessed, honored, sad and scared all at the same time. I had a stomach full of butterflies but yet couldn't wait to see my "prince" at the end of that long walk to the altar. I made it down the aisle with my dadddy's strength, my sister's support, and my mother love and blessings. That was 29 years ago!

Those days were filled with passion, emotion and pure innocent love. As the weeks, months, and years have rolled by those feelings have changed to something deeper and more mature. Now there is loyality, committment, a love so big and wide it is hard to put words to it, friendship.. and in the center of it all is Jesus! As I have always been able to see Jesus in my father and mother...their committment to each other because of their committment to Christ... I can often see that in my husband. His love for myself and our children is unselfish, his caring for my family is true love of family, and his treatment of others is how Christ taught us "to do unto others".

I am blessed to have lived all these past years with a man that loves the Lord, a man who unselfishly cares for his wife and children, a man who loves my family like his own and a man who would give his last dollar to help his fellow man. I am forever humbled at the work that Christ has done in both of our lives, individually and as a couple and I rejoice in the future to know that we will only grow older and wiser together and receive more of what God has in this life for us as a couple.

I can do nothing this weekend but give glory to God for bringing me this mate that I love so deeply and giving me that kind of love in return. Thank you Russell for loving me and sharing so much of your life with me and we thank you dear Father for the last 29 years and giving us a little taste of heaven here on earth.

Happy Anniversary!!


Anonymous said...

Jennifer and I have a long time until we catch up with you. Congrats on the 29yrs. We have a month and 10 days under our belts.

Check out my blog today and see pictures of our house.

Colette said...

What an exciting time you are in...I do remember that first year. It holds all your dreams and much promise for a bright future. I can tell you this..29 years has its bump and bruises but there is something so wonderful about growing up and growing old with that one special person. It is truly what God has designed for men and woman and I am grateful to be at this benchmark. I pray that you and Jennifer have a long and happy life together under the umbrella of Christ! Have a great holiday weekend...i'm giddy with not because Sunday is the big day because this is our first break this summer (hahaha). Three whole days without school or homework..I won't know what to do with myself!

Jan said...

Dear Trina,
It's great to see that you're posting again. And...I enjoyed our chat so much!
Congratulations! 29 years? That's amazing. What a tribute to the grace of God, and your dedication to one another. How wonderful in this day and age to see the meaning of commitment defined in a solid marriage. Praise God!