Monday, September 11, 2006


Over the Labor Day holiday all I did was REST…I felt exhausted mentally and physically. Not because I do a lot of physical labor and not because my life is in shambles emotionally but I was just plain worn out. My life seems to be somewhat of a circus act these days. Juggling my schedules of school and home, the school and work schedules of the kids, and trying to keep things running peacefully, and smoothly for my husband who is just into his third month at a new job that is quite demanding. Yes, my life could be an act with RINGLING BROS. BARNUM and BAILEY and I needed a rest from the tour schedule!

The emotion of thankfulness for having a few days off was deep. I kept thanking God for the break. What I needed and wanted most in those four days was unhurried and focused time to spend with my Lord. I needed to dwell not just with him but in Him and feel Him dwelling in me. I have been somewhat like a dry well and needed the Holy Spirit to fill me up. The last two years have held many changes for myself and my family and those changes have taken a toll on my prayer life. Isn’t it funny how we as humans, when we need our Father the most, have the hardest of times connecting with him?

The rest was what I needed and I didn’t even need it by way of a Caribbean Island vacation. I just needed a quiet place…and sleep! I slept more than I prayed, but in my quiet place I found that those four days were days spent 24/7 worshipping Him! I found my way back into his arms and I felt like I was standing on Holy ground in his presence once more. The familiar feelings of comfort, peace, joy, and hope came flooding back into my heart, soul, and mind.

And in the midst of this, I was reminded of my Lord. Jesus was sent here, into our world and he experienced the human side of life. Troubles, burdens, and stresses are a part of life and he had those just as we do. Yes, he had great pressures and stresses…he had a world of sick, broken, hungry souls to minister to and he also knew that he was on much more of a time restraint than you or I have ever felt. He needed rest too….not a lounge chair on the beach and a “pina colada”…no, he got his rest, his focus, he was rejuvenated by withdrawing to a quiet place where he could turn to his Father. He wanted to be in a place where he was unhurried, completely focused and surrender all of himself to God. He knew he needed not to be task focused or self-focused but GOD-FOCUSED. Jesus said, “I live by the power of the living Father who sent me.” (Matthew 14:23).

Jesus knew and gave us many examples of rest. He retreated time after time to a quiet place to be with his Father, the source of His strength, into the arms of the one who sent him. He was with God, he prayed to God and rested by giving his burden to one with shoulders big and broad enough to hold the burdens of the world. Jesus was here on earth to accomplish his Father’s will just as we are here to do God’s will. And when the stress and pressures of this life become too much we like Jesus have to rest…have to go to a quiet place to soak up God, we have to draw strength from the source of all power…God himself. It will be through our rest, our releasing of our burdens and stress, and our “filling up” on the Holy Spirit that will enable us to go forward, to stay God-focused and to continue to accomplish his will here on earth. It is rest that will help us focus on others and serve them and in turn serve our God and King!!

Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Matthew 11: 28-29

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