Friday, January 06, 2006

Eyes to see hope..

Going back over Christmas I realize what a visual event Christmas is to me. At the onset of November, when the days are short and darkness engulfs us in the early evening, the desire to put up our Christmas tree starts to play in my mind. I spend most of the first weeks of November visualizing the tree that will sit in my living room, covered in tiny white lights that twinkle as their light bounces off the treeand illuminates the room. Only because peer pressure makes me, I hold out for the weekend of Thanksgiving to put out of my mind and into my living room the tree of lights that has been twinkling in my mind for weeks. And as my eyes gaze upon the lit tree, it is always as magnificent as it was in my mind.

The lights are not only beautiful to my eyes, as I gaze upon them, but they take hold of my thoughts and attention. I spend the evenings with only the light from the fire burning in the fireplace and the twinkling of the lights on the tree. It reminds me of the abundant blessings God has bestowed on me and my family. The lights also remind me of his power and majesty. The twinkling brings the outside in and resembles the night sky. What a creator, who can make a whole universe and still care about one little One can not help but reflect on what it must of been like that one night out of all nights when a king was born to us...for us...for me. A gift that would ultimately be our salvation...would end up the redemption for my sin! As my eyes fix themselves on many nights of twinkling lights I feel a stirring in my soul. The Lord speaks to me thru what my eyes see in the twinkling of miniture lights upon a Christmas tree....shinning words of hope...illuminating the truth of his promises.

I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. Ephesians 1:18-19

To all of you, may you reap in this new year all the peace amd blessings that our Father so eagerly awaits to bestow on us, his humble children.
Happy New Year!!!


Jan said...

So glad to have you back and posting again. I missed you deeply. I love your description of the lights on the tree. I was enjoying the very same thing this year - sitting in the living room with only the tree and the fireplace on. I enjoy that gentle glow that gives an all-round feeling of warmth and coziness. The essence of home defined.
Praying your New Year brings many blessings.
(I haven't received your email. I'm wondering if your mailed it to my husband's office address. I'll have him check on Monday morning and forward it to me. I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts.)

Colette said...

What a friend!!!I was reading what I posted to my daughter this morning and there you were....contant and reliable as ever. I praise our Almighty for you and your faithfulness. Just a note...I wrote this post after I unloaded the "burdens of life" to you in the e-mail. Please keep my state of mind in the proper perspective. All was feeling brighter even while I was writing. Focusing on our Saviour and his word is really the best medicine any of us can take. Oh, and the email I sent to your address not to hubby's...if you want I can maybe resend it there?! Now I just need to wait to hear from Bomba..then we will know all in going well with Life!!!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to have you back as well. I hope you know that you were missed. Though we have never meet, you are family because of our Father and you are loved and cared for.