Monday, July 16, 2007

Does the journey end?

Thirteen weeks ago, Monday, April 16th, my daughter was in a head on automobile crash. She was coming home from school, about 11:15 a.m. and a truck, coming from the opposite direction was forced over the center lane of traffic and hit my daughter's car head on. She had to be cut from her vehicle with the "jaws of life" and taken to the ER on a backboard and neck brace.

Praise God her injuries were not life threatening, but the crash did cause substanial damage. We have been dealing with a foot broken in two places and a broken ankle on her left leg, a sprain on her right ankle, deep shoulder bruising on the left side, and multiple bruising and swelling over her arms and legs. She developed bronchitis during the few days after the accident. She has had two casts put on and then was moved into a "star wars" type boot that is unattractive and clumsy. She has developed two hematomas on her right ankle (the sprained one). During the first 3+ weeks she has had only one shower and one bath. Our first attempt at a shower, thinking we had the cast securely wrapped and waterproofed, only ended in a wet cast, much emotional upset, a $1,000.00 bill, and an exhausting trip to the orthopedic doctor for a recast. After about a week, we attempted a tub bath only to discover that it is not as easy as it sounds. The tubs in our house are great for soaking but not custom made for someone who has to hang their leg over the side. We found the tub to be too big and she ended up sliding around and needed pain medicine after that small ordeal. So, we have been left to washing hair in the sink and taking sponge baths. Also, she experienced seven episodes of vomiting and stomach pain in the first eight weeks of recuperation; that was explained away by the doctors with logical reasoning...adverse reaction to antibiotics, too much pain medicine, stomach flu. On Friday, June 29, after spending all night in the emergency room, being discharged and then having a late morning appoinment with her GYN, she was rushed into emergency surgery for a three hour operation. She had some masses, not cancerous, that were present but not detected before the accident, but due to the force of the impact of the collison these "dermoids" were forced down in a place they were not suppose to reside. They pushed her ovaries behind her uterus, thus twisting her ovaries, causing extreme pain, possible loss of ovaries, and possible loss of life. Our appointment with the doctor was at 11 a.m.....signed consent papers at 2 p.m. and was wheeled into a three hour surgery at 4:20 p.m. She pulled through major surgery, was in the hospital for 4 days. All this in the last 13 weeks!

Those are the physical to the mental upset. She slept in the living room on the couch with me on the love seat for the first two weeks, afraid to be at the other end of the house by herself. During the next three weeks she slept some nights in her bed but was not back there every night. Her emotions have been fragile..tearing up easily and needed to be reassured she did nothing wrong! She missed four weeks of school, which could have affect her chances of getting into the nursing program in the spring of next year. She has a great job working for our pediatrican, but was not able to work for the first eight weeks. She was back to work for one week and three days when the surgery came up. Now she will be out another 6 weeks. The loss of school and work had an isolating affect on her, separating her from her friends and relationships she has day to day, which did nothing to help her mental health. She was unable to drive for about the first five weeks, which meant she was stuck with mom taking her back and forth to school and doctors, which are the only places she was able to go. She has experienced pain daily and when we take one step forward we then stumble two backward. She was afraid to drive, although she was able to overcome that but now the problem is we are adjusting to sharing a car (though her driving is limited because of surgery)...her car was totaled. That brings tears to her eyes...that particular car meant a great deal to her. When she started driving "Mr. and Mrs. Daisy", her grandparents, six years ago it was that car they took on all their trips. Long trips but also day trips to Atlanta and Columbia, S.C. They counted on her, bragged on her driving skills and bonded in an incredible way. When they purchased a new car a year ago they passed this car down to her telling her that in their mind it always was her car! She has told us many times how even though the car was ten years old she would want no other. That car was filled with memories and a connection! Then there are the phone calls from the other two parties insurance agents. One of them has been pleasant over the phone but certainly has an agenda. She has repeatly passed on conjecture, assumption, and "their side of the story" even though none of what she has said is fact. The agent for the other driver was rude, cold, and arrogant. She also felt the need to tell my daughter their "version of what happened." NONE of this is daughter is a victim, she didn't see anything except a white, big truck hitting her windshield and then her car started spinning! There is no decision for us to make as to who is at fault and I don't want my daughter brought into this mess! This unecessary interrogation and conclusions from these agents hasn't helped her at all! I told a friend this morning that every day thus far has held for us a snag, a twist or an obstacle.

I was coming home from school that very day...just 30 minutes after her. I came upon the traffic backed up and as I sat there I saw her car being hoisted on the wrecker. There it was...broken, tattered, one door missing, and the windshield busted to bits! As I frantically drove to the emergency room...I am the only person in my family that doesn't have a cell phone so I was unable to call anyone.... I remember praying that she was not seriously injured, that God would be there with her so she would not be alone, and wishing it had been me instead of my precious child.

I sit here today to acknowledge and to shout out the blessings my Lord and Saviour has heaped upon my family!!! As I was trying to keep myself pulled together on that drive to the ER a song keep playing in my head...the verse that was ringing in my ears was "would you take the nails from HIS hands." That song, for me, is driving home the point of how much we should love our much he loves us! I can tell you that as the verse rang through my mind I was inwardly telling the Lord that I would have gladly been in the car instead of my beloved daughter. And he said to me..."I love as you love...I took those nails in my hands for you and for Amanda...I love her more than you can fathom...I am with her." And with her He truly was!

First, it is a true miracle that she survived the crash...the state patrol, the EMT's, the police and firemen...all who responded to the wreck have told us that. Second, there was another student from Amanda's class, someone she knew who "just happened" to work in the ER. She "just happened" to be right behind Amanda's car. She immediately came to Amanda's aid...trying to keep Amanda calm and called my husband. Together the two of them decided which hospital to take Amanda to...the one this young woman worked at so Amanda wouldn't be alone until we arrived. Then the is the woman we refer to as the "woman in pink". We don't know anything about her except that Amanda saw her for a brief minute, knew she was wearing pink and could hear her praying nonstop. Amanda said even though she couldn't see anything...they had her covered while they cut the door off the car...she heard this woman praying and praying and praying. My daughter told me how this woman really helped her to stay calm and what a comfort it was.

My niece who is older than Amanda and a true big sis to her and works right across the street from the emergency room was able to get to Amanda first . God provided comfort to her...her big sis! Then one of Amanda's aunts arrived..both of them there to reassure her. The doctor working the ER happened to be our neighbor so there again was God provision. We ended up with quite a crowd...grandmother, 2 aunts, 3 cousins, best friend and then mom and dad. Love and prayer pouring out over her! All by the hand of God.

Then there is the blessings at school....Amanda switched schools just 3 wks. before the accident and is now attending the same college I am. Our classes during the spring quarter overlapped...she needed to be there one hour earlier than I but our day ended at the same time. Again, God knew the future...He knew there was going to be this accident, I am positive of that! For the weeks she missed a friend and I were able to get Amanda's tests from her teachers and bring them home to her. Also, being in the same school together I had many opportunities to daily keep in touch with the teachers for her sake. God knew which teachers to supply for Amanda...those teachers showed her great mercy, compassion and caring! They are the cream of the crop as far as people! They were patient, understanding, caring, and merciful to her. In fact, the whole school showed great concern. Teachers I don't even know came up to me and sincerely asked about her health and healing process. God knew and lined up our future to put Amanda in the best place she could be.

There is my friend Claudia...she has come to my house every Tuesday afternoon since the first week and help me storm heaven with prayer. We pray for a solid hour for our children...having praise, thanksgiving, confession, and then petitions. This prayer time has been a lifesaver for me...getting lost in His presence and letting the spirit move throughout me. I couldn't do without this special time of prayer but I also know that there are many brothers and sisters that are out there keeping us lifted up in prayer. My sister had called a friend that knows our whole family, the youth minister of her church to ask him to pray. That was that Friday of the surgery...that Sunday when she went to church and had many questions about the outcome of her nieces surgery, it came to her attention that this wonderful young man had sent out an e-mail to the entire church. God bless him and his faithfulness.

God's protection surrounded her with also a wonderful doctor who did they surgery just 3 weeks ago. He is blessed with the name of John Paul...what a wonderful name to go along with a wonderful servant. My family...husband, son, mom, sisters, close friends, and priest surrounded us with their prayers, support, and encouragement. God brought to us the best nurses...kind, compassionate, caring and good at their job. That was a must in that we, at this point have been physically, emotionally, and yes, spirtually exhausted. But HE has kept His promises to us.."His mercies are new every morning ."

Over the last 13 weeks we, in this family have often looked at one another and asked openly, "Is this journey everrrrrrr going to end?" I have come to realize that the answer is least not in this life! Everyday is a part of the journey of drawing closer to our Lord, giving over of ourselves to him, letting him take control of the reins of our lives, experiencing His fullness, His mercy, His protection, His compassion, HIS PLAN for us. This life is a life of experiences, easy, hard, good, and bad. This is a life that is a battle...a battle with our humaness, a battle with Satan, a battle with THIS world. This life is a life of being molded into the likeness of our Father, of being stretched and challenged to build our faith and dependence on our Creator. This life is about learning to call on our Lord's power and might when we are just to tired, afraid, confused and helpless to carry on another step. This life is about trusting in his word, rejoicing in all circumstances, and acknowledging his steadfastness. This life is a life of humbling accepting the prayers, help, and love of the brothers and sisters he puts in our lives. And this life is a lifelong journey He has planned for us, allows us to be on, and accompanies us on...never leaving our side while we learn to lay ourselves at His feet, allowing him to transform us, following Him through whatever He leads us...."In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will, in order that we, who were the first to hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory." Ephesians 1:11-12



Eric said...

Dear Sister,

It is always good to hear from you. I lift up many prayers to you at this time. I am so thankful that your daughter is recovering radically. God is an Awesome God!

Though we do not see the outcome while we are in a storm, EVERYTHING we go through is for the Glory of God. I cannot wait to hear what God is going to do for your daughter and your whole family through this. He has already used many people and I know has used you to touch many doctors, nurses, etc who just maybe had never heard of God or have strayed away and needed help finding their way back.

Please keep me updated through everything.

Love and Prayers from the Snyders...

Jan said...

Dear Trina,
Thank you for sharing the poignant details of your story. What a trial and a challenge you have all faced in the past weeks. I was encouraged to read about the many ways that God's presence was evident to you throughout the surrounding circumstances. My heart rejoices that He does not abandon us but steps closer when we're passing through the valleys on our journey heavenward. Praying God's peace and mercy to continue to reign over your family. Blessings, Jan