Friday, July 27, 2007


How well do you know the meanings of the names in the BIBLE? After taking this I realized I didn't know very much at all on this you give it a try! The answers will be printed at the bottom of this post.

1: Who was blessed with laughter when her son was born, and named him accordingly? Sarah...Rachel...Leah...Rebekah

2: What does the name "Adam" mean? man, or blue, or red, or green, or rocks of earth

3: When Naomi retured to Bethlehem, to what name, meaning "bitterness", did she change her name? Sarah...Mary...Hannah...Mara

4: Whose name means "my judge is God"? Samuel...Daniel...Ezekiel...Jaaziel

5: Which of Jesus' titles means "the anointed"? Lord...Jesus...Emmanuel...Christ

6: What does the name "Elisha" mean? my God is God is God is God is joyful

7: Which disciple's name means "manly"? Peter...James...Andrew...Matthew

8: Which man's name changed from meaning "requested" to meaning "little"? Abraham...Jacob...Peter...Paul

9: What does the prefix "Bar" mean in a name? son of...tree of...light of...

10: Which king had a name which means "healer"? Josiah...Asa...Soloman...Jereboam

Next Friday I will post 10 new questions so study up!

A minister parked his car in a no-parking zone in a large city because he was short of time and couldn't find a space with a meter. So he put a note under the windshield wiper that read: "I have circled the block 100 times. If I don't park here, I'll miss my appointment. FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES."

When he returned, he found a citation from a police officer along with this note. "I've circled this block for 10 years. If I don't give you a ticket, I'll lose my job. LEAD US NOT INTO TEMPTATION."

Today is four weeks since my daughter's surgery...she is healing fine and we can finally laugh a little. Here are ten things you hope never to hear in celebration have a laugh!

  • What's this doing in here?

  • DARN! Page 47 of the manual is missing!

  • I hate it when they're missing stuff in here.

  • Nurse, did this patient sign the organ donation card?

  • Don't worry. I think it is sharp enough.

  • That's cool! Now can you make his leg twitch?!

  • Well folks, this will be an experiment for all of us.

  • You sure it wasn't this leg?

  • OK, now take a picture from this angle. This is truly a freak of nature.

  • There go the lights again...

Here's a brain teaser...


Now count aloud the ' F' s in that sentence.
Count them ONLY ONCE; do not go back and count them again.
The answer is at the bottom.

Answers: 1. Sarah 2. man, red earth 3. Mara 4. Daniel 5. Christ 6. God is salvation 7. Andrew 8. Paul 9. son of 10. Asa

Answer to brain teaser: There are six F's in the sentence. One of average intelligence finds three of them. If you spotted four, you're above average. If you got five, you can turn your nose at most anybody. If you caught six, you are a genius. There is no catch. Many people forget the OFs. The human brain tends to see them as "V's" instead of "F's".

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Being Pursued

As a woman, and a romantic at heart, I love the idea of a man pursuing a woman. The definition of pursue…”to follow, to seek, to find, to chase”. When I was young the thought of a young man seeking me and then chasing me was something right out of movies like “An Affair to Remember”. I was pursued some 30 years ago by a very handsome young man who caught me so that special kind of pursuit, for me, is over.

But I was thinking yesterday that I have been being pursued… pursued every single day, every single hour, every single minute of my whole life. I have a God in heaven that pursues me every second of this life. My God is following me, he is seeking me, and yes, he has chased me! He is relentless, focused, and unwavering in his want to “catch” me. He has put his whole being into me…even more than that…he even gave his only son in pursuit of me. In contrast to some 30 years ago, this pursuit doesn’t matter if I’m charming or beautiful...if I have social skills or status. To this holy pursuer it doesn’t matter whether I make mistake or make all the right steps in life. I still get pursued! His constancy, his devotion in pursuit of me is always and forever.

That takes me to a hard look at myself and my pursuit of my God and King. Is my pursuit of my Lord and Saviour aggressive? Am I seeking a relationship with him unceasingly? Do I him follow him relentlessly? Is my pursuit of being one with him focused and unwavering?

Take this little test and see how you would rate as a “pursuer” of our Heavenly Father. The great news is however we rate ourselves it doesn’t matter to our God….we will still be pursued. He is so enamoured with us that he will continue to pursue us despite anything we have done or haven’t done…whether we are on the social register or homeless…whether we are beautiful or need plastic surgery…whether we welcome him or push him away. What a love story! Looks like tomorrow I’ll be pursuing my Saviour in a whole new way…focused, unceasing, aggressive. What about you?

Monday, July 23, 2007

We all have times of testing!

Years ago, when I was in the midst of raising a young family, James Dobson was steadily rising in the ranks of "prominent, know-all authority" in child raising. I, like most of the young moms back then, read his books, listened to her talks on the radio, and discussed his thoughts with other moms. Listening, changing, and the desire to do the right thing has never been a problem for me. In my spiritual life I have never been rebellious... I have always been eager to listen to others and God about how to become closer to God...been willing to change because I long to please my Father...had a desire to love and serve Him to the best of my ability. But, I never thought I handled the trials and tribulations very well.

The problem, for me, was and is that I am a follower not a leader. I have the type of personality that wants someone to direct me...not in theory but literally. One of the things, to this day, that stands out for me was James Dobson telling us mothers "not to let our children throw a temper tantrum at the grocery store." This was a problem I was having at the shopping being a war zone. It seemed like when we passed through the threshold of the grocery store we stepped right into another of bad attitudes, disobedience, and general mayhem. We would have a "little talk" outside in the car but the end result was always the same...bad! I clearly remember talking with my girlfriends and asking," but how? If someone would just tell me exactly how not to let her pitch a fit I will do it!" I remember my mother coming to the rescue and answering my questions...not in theory but literally. I literally followed her advise and it worked!

At this point you might be saying, "where is all this dribble going?" I do have a point...My life over the last 2 years has been the hardest it has ever been. Have I handle the hard times well? It doesn't feel like I have. The trials of my life started 2 years ago with the end of homeschooling and the end of my identity as I have known it for the past 25 years. Then my husband was laid off and had to start all over again. Then I stepped out in faith and went to college, which is definitely not my comfort zone...and most recently my daughter's accident and then emergency surgery. I have struggled with loneliness, fear, confusion, shame and condemnation. Sometimes I have felt so worn down that I have almost given up. Did you hear me say almost! One of the questions asked when we go through times of testing is "where is my faith?" Actually, as long as we are hanging in there we are walking in faith (belief in something we can't see)...we are still talking (well maybe crying out) to God. We are laying ourselves at his feet. We are searching his word and asking our brothers and sisters for prayers. Almost doesn't mean anything! "I say to myself, "The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him. The Lord is good to me because my hope is in him, to me because I seek him." But the devil is beside us whispering in our ears. He is telling us that we are doing everything wrong and nothing right. Our guard is put down and before long he has stirred up in us shame, confusion, loneliness and condemnation. I have been told over and over to give it all over to the Lord. But, for me being a follower, what does that mean?

The answer goes against everything we are taught in the world. We might not get immediate gratification...holy moley! We have to think of our trials as battles in a war. Before our soldiers go to war they have to go through training, get suited up, equip themselves with the tools to fight and then go into battle. Let me tell you this...battles are not won in a day! Even in today's world with all the sophisticated equipment, battles can be fought for days, months, years, and even centuries (look at Israel). Not every trial or problem in this life is solved immediately. Every feeling and emotion doesn't automatically come under control as soon as we offer up a prayer. It is a is a battle and each one is fought and won in it's own time. "I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning, more than watchmen wait for the morning. Psalm 130:5-6". There is no Commander-in-Chief that has more power than our Commander-in-Chief, and every battle is eventually won under his leadership. In that we can put total trust. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:11-13. Keeping that in the forefront of our mind, we need to do the training, get suited up and equip ourselves to fight as long as we need to. Our Commander-in-Chief knows all, is in control, and is leading us even when we don't feel like we are being lead or even following very well.

All this isn't new revelation...we as Christians already know what I have just said but sometimes we need to hear it again, see it in print, be reminded of the truth. "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows." 2 Corinthians 1:3-5. So being a follower instead of a leader let me put specifics down to help with the battle:
  • Every single day confess your sins. Be real, even if it seems like it is the same sin day after day. Don't let Satan lie to you (like he does me) and tell you what a mess you are because you are having trouble battling an area of your life. Lack of confessing to God doesn't make fear, or shame, or condemnation go away, instead in confessing it, NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES, shows how much we really need God's help and also how much we want his help. "But I will call on God, and the Lord will rescue me. Morning, noon, and night I plead aloud in my distress, and the Lord hears my voice. He rescues me and keeps me safe from the battle waged against me, even though many still oppose me." Psalm 55:16-18.
  • Do spiritual warfare. Using the name of Jesus, command Satan to leave your thoughts and stop playing with your emotions. Again, don't expect your thoughts and feelings to change overnight but keep waging the battle in the "name of Jesus". Pray that your ears will become deaf to the sound of his voice and that your emotions will be numbed to any evil attacks. Ask God to be in control of bringing HIS joy to your thoughts and emotions. As you recognize each lie replace it with truth. It might take some time to recognize the attacks (he comes as a wolf in sheep's clothing) but as soon as you clue in pray, sing, rejoice! Push him out!
  • Read your bible...for me that was hard because as soon as I got quiet Satan seemed to enter my thoughts. It was hard to be still and not be distracted. Get a concordance and look up specific, mercy, grace...look them up and then write them down. That was a help to me rather than just picking a book of the bible and trying to stay focused on reading it. The important thing is that you are bathing yourself in the bible, HIS word, God's truth. "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every work." 2 Timothy 3:16-17.
  • Pray! Pray for strength, wisdom, protection, and growth. Pray for a deeper relationship with him and be sure to give over your will to him for his perfect will. As I sat in that doctor's office 3 weeks ago, and heard the doctor say that they might have to do a full hysterectomy on my only, single, 24-year-old daughter I honestly was able to put fear and control aside ask him to do his will. Oh, I asked him to have mercy and keep her body intact but I was really able to tell him that I would accept his will. I was able to tell God that I knew whatever happened He would be doing the best for her! Pray, pour out your heart to him. "Give ear to my words, O Lord, consider my sighing. Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for to you I pray. In the morning, O Lord you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation." Psalm 5:1-3
  • Do not isolate yourself. Spend time in the fellowship of other believers. Draw from their joy, their love, their faith. No matter what comes our way we need people, relationships, and companionship. Let the people around you encourage you, make you laugh, lift you up and give you break from the "serious life". "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching." Hebrews 10:23-25.
  • And you thought you would never get to the end!...exercise, eat well and get the proper amount of sleep. All studies show that in times of stress we need our to keep healthy to keep our stress levels under control. I know from personal experience that I come under more attack and have a harder time battling when I am worn down. Physical strength is important to spiritual strength.

This post is really, really long but I feel like the Lord has used my circumstances to help others and if I don't write about it then I will not be doing HIS will. I hope this post has been an encouragement or a help to someone. We all have or will pass through times of testing...each test for us unique to our makeup...what might not be a trial to one might be a very hard test for another. But whatever the trial is God knows about it, is with us, and will bring us through it stronger, wiser, and with more compassion for others. Let's help each other....FOR HIS GLORY AND FOR THE LIFE THAT IS ETERNAL.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Thinking we are smarter and bigger than GOD!

I am going to be honest…I have a problem distinguishing between CONTROL and RESPONSIBILITY. In talking with other moms, I have found that I am not the only one out there that crosses the line from responsibility to control. In defense of “us” it is an easy trap to fall into. As moms we have to take responsibility for our children, the running of our homes, the family’s social agenda, and a whole lot more. From the time our children are babies we control almost everything in their lives….when and what they eat, where and who they play with, what they wear, when they sleep, when they awake, what they watch, read, and discuss….the list continues. We are being responsible moms.

As our children grow, the control is suppose to lessen but for most of us we find that very hard to do. One reason is because we have trained ourselves to micromanage the actions, words, and even thoughts of our children. We are not bad parents, we are human and take the responsibility of raising and caring for our children seriously. Here lies the problem…we begin operating under a false pretense, a false sense of security. We control because we want to keep the people and things around us healthy, happy, and safe. We fall into thinking that if everything and everyone is under our control, then life will be free from worry or pain. That is what happened to me during the last 13 weeks.

I needed to stick to just being a responsible parent…. Keeping her comfortable, getting her to the doctor’s appointments on time, doling out her medicines, keeping her on a healthy diet, taking care of the insurance needs, helping her deal with her school and teachers, etc. Instead I forgot who was in control…fooled myself into thinking it was me, which in turn brought me nothing but worry, anxiety, confusion, and depression. Isn’t it funny…did I really believe I was smarter than God…did I really believe I could control life better than God? To be honest again, I guess I did…but I couldn’t and can’t and will not ever be able to!

I have a responsibility as a mother and that responsibility is not to control but to release the control of my children into the hands of our wise and loving Father. I have a responsibility as their mother to pray for them, asking God to do his mighty work in them in ways I can’t imagine. I have a responsibility to pray for God’s protection and guidance over my children. I have the responsibility to pray that my children will recognize God’s great power at work in their lives….Ephesians 1:18-20, “I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of his mighty strength, which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms.”

There may be times when we need to lovingly suggest a change of course to our children or wisely petition against a dangerous decision. We can suggest, impart our wisdom, and be loving and caring but we need to leave the control and power to God! This has not been the first time in my life I have tried to take over God’s job and control things on this earth. And it probably won’t be the last time. But when I start to feel myself sliding down that slippery slope, trying to use my power to control the safety, the health, the happiness of my children, I will pray these words of encouragement that Paul gave to the Corinthian church:

But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. 1 Corinthians 4: 6-9.

Thank you, Lord, for helping me through this time of trials. Thank you for using this time to teach me to "set my mind on things above". Continue to help me turn my heart and mind toward you and your truth so that I, through your power, may gain a more eternal perspective. AMEN!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


One thing I struggled with during the weeks following my daughter accident was fear and anxiety. In my head I knew God had covered her in his protection during the actual minutes of impact and even in the minutes, hours, days, weeks, and months that followed. In my head I knew God was in control and protecting us but it was harder to hold that in my heart. I believe, though, that because of the stress, the lack of sleep, the nursing that had to be done, plus the duties that come along with being a student and a mother I was weakened to the attacks of Satan. I was at my most open door for him to walk through.

Satan knew that door had been opened and he boldly marched right in. The fear, the anxiety, the condemnation came on first it seemed like I was holding it all together rather well. But little by little I became overwhelmed with one terrible thought...we have used up our one "get out of jail free" card...this is our one big miracle...what will we do in the future? As she lay on the couch coughing and running a fever I could only sit quietly trying to fight the condemnation that would consume me. Looking at her swollen, bruised, ash-colored foot I would feel so panicked I would feel sick to my stomach. When her foot would go numb and turn purple I would not be able to breathe little less pray or think logically. As she hung over the toilet throwing up I would feel so helpless that it was hard to be in the same room with her.

You might be thinking "and this woman is a christian? Why didn't she pray?" Oh, I prayed, and prayed, and prayed. I fought Satan, I denounced Satan, I, in the name of Jesus, commanded him to stop speaking to me. I called on the name of Jesus, I cried out to my God, and I begged for his help.

Yet, this one evening, I knew there was not much fight left in me...I was tired, discouraged, overwhelmed, and I felt very alone. My daughter asked me if I would drive her into town to get watermelons painted on her toenails. I gladly agreed, knowing that after all she had been through this would be good therapy and I was also just glad to see her wanting to get out. As we drove along one of the major highways she said, "Mom, I'm a little worried. I can't feel my toes, my foot has been a funny color and there has been a big lump below my knee. You do think everything alright don't you?" All I could do was smile a fake, pretend smile and respond with a "I'm sure everything is alright but Monday we will call the doctor". Inside I thought I was going to be sick...I was clutching the steering wheel, I felt everything spinning, my chest was hurting, I couldn't concentrate on the highway, in fact, I don't know how I made it to the Nail Salon.

That was my low point...the lowest! When we parked the car my daughter invited me inside to sit with her but I asked to use her cell phone and chose to sit in the car. After some hysterical tears I called one of my big sisters. God really used her that terrible evening...she didn't say anything that I didn't already know or that I hadn't heard before but she keep me from going over the edge. She remind me of the stress that I had been under, that I was human, that all the things in my mind was really an attack from Satan, and that God really was right there with me. Thank you my big sis and thank you Lord for giving me a sister that loves you so much.

After our conversation that evening, and for days after that, the Lord kept bringing to me the scripture that states that His mercies are new every morning. I have known that scripture all my life but on that evening, and in the days that followed, he taught me that scripture. I was speaking with a friend and she said that every morning his mercy is like a whole, new, fresh harvest. I love my gardenia bushes and in the summer I love to go out every day there are flowers on the bush and pick a whole apron full to put throughout my home. That is like His mercies. His gardenia bush of mercies blooms to the fullest every...EVERY single morning for me, for my children, for my husband, for my family....for all of his children. Our God is a God that never runs out of gardenias...never runs out of mercy for us. With God it is not a game that is played...we land on the right spot and we receive the "get out of jail free" card...oh, no with our Lord's great love we are not consumed, he is steadfast, his compassion never fails. His mercies are never ending and his compassion is greater than any trial, any hardship, any doubt, and yes, even any attack from the enemy.

The devil hit me and hit me hard for weeks. But he didn't prevail....GOD DID! God has strengthened me, protected me, loved me, fought for me, and taught me. He has freshened an old scripture for didn't come easy and it didn't come fast but it is definitely a valuable lesson. This lesson I will hold onto for a very long time!

"It is of the Lord's great mercies that we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22

Monday, July 16, 2007

Does the journey end?

Thirteen weeks ago, Monday, April 16th, my daughter was in a head on automobile crash. She was coming home from school, about 11:15 a.m. and a truck, coming from the opposite direction was forced over the center lane of traffic and hit my daughter's car head on. She had to be cut from her vehicle with the "jaws of life" and taken to the ER on a backboard and neck brace.

Praise God her injuries were not life threatening, but the crash did cause substanial damage. We have been dealing with a foot broken in two places and a broken ankle on her left leg, a sprain on her right ankle, deep shoulder bruising on the left side, and multiple bruising and swelling over her arms and legs. She developed bronchitis during the few days after the accident. She has had two casts put on and then was moved into a "star wars" type boot that is unattractive and clumsy. She has developed two hematomas on her right ankle (the sprained one). During the first 3+ weeks she has had only one shower and one bath. Our first attempt at a shower, thinking we had the cast securely wrapped and waterproofed, only ended in a wet cast, much emotional upset, a $1,000.00 bill, and an exhausting trip to the orthopedic doctor for a recast. After about a week, we attempted a tub bath only to discover that it is not as easy as it sounds. The tubs in our house are great for soaking but not custom made for someone who has to hang their leg over the side. We found the tub to be too big and she ended up sliding around and needed pain medicine after that small ordeal. So, we have been left to washing hair in the sink and taking sponge baths. Also, she experienced seven episodes of vomiting and stomach pain in the first eight weeks of recuperation; that was explained away by the doctors with logical reasoning...adverse reaction to antibiotics, too much pain medicine, stomach flu. On Friday, June 29, after spending all night in the emergency room, being discharged and then having a late morning appoinment with her GYN, she was rushed into emergency surgery for a three hour operation. She had some masses, not cancerous, that were present but not detected before the accident, but due to the force of the impact of the collison these "dermoids" were forced down in a place they were not suppose to reside. They pushed her ovaries behind her uterus, thus twisting her ovaries, causing extreme pain, possible loss of ovaries, and possible loss of life. Our appointment with the doctor was at 11 a.m.....signed consent papers at 2 p.m. and was wheeled into a three hour surgery at 4:20 p.m. She pulled through major surgery, was in the hospital for 4 days. All this in the last 13 weeks!

Those are the physical to the mental upset. She slept in the living room on the couch with me on the love seat for the first two weeks, afraid to be at the other end of the house by herself. During the next three weeks she slept some nights in her bed but was not back there every night. Her emotions have been fragile..tearing up easily and needed to be reassured she did nothing wrong! She missed four weeks of school, which could have affect her chances of getting into the nursing program in the spring of next year. She has a great job working for our pediatrican, but was not able to work for the first eight weeks. She was back to work for one week and three days when the surgery came up. Now she will be out another 6 weeks. The loss of school and work had an isolating affect on her, separating her from her friends and relationships she has day to day, which did nothing to help her mental health. She was unable to drive for about the first five weeks, which meant she was stuck with mom taking her back and forth to school and doctors, which are the only places she was able to go. She has experienced pain daily and when we take one step forward we then stumble two backward. She was afraid to drive, although she was able to overcome that but now the problem is we are adjusting to sharing a car (though her driving is limited because of surgery)...her car was totaled. That brings tears to her eyes...that particular car meant a great deal to her. When she started driving "Mr. and Mrs. Daisy", her grandparents, six years ago it was that car they took on all their trips. Long trips but also day trips to Atlanta and Columbia, S.C. They counted on her, bragged on her driving skills and bonded in an incredible way. When they purchased a new car a year ago they passed this car down to her telling her that in their mind it always was her car! She has told us many times how even though the car was ten years old she would want no other. That car was filled with memories and a connection! Then there are the phone calls from the other two parties insurance agents. One of them has been pleasant over the phone but certainly has an agenda. She has repeatly passed on conjecture, assumption, and "their side of the story" even though none of what she has said is fact. The agent for the other driver was rude, cold, and arrogant. She also felt the need to tell my daughter their "version of what happened." NONE of this is daughter is a victim, she didn't see anything except a white, big truck hitting her windshield and then her car started spinning! There is no decision for us to make as to who is at fault and I don't want my daughter brought into this mess! This unecessary interrogation and conclusions from these agents hasn't helped her at all! I told a friend this morning that every day thus far has held for us a snag, a twist or an obstacle.

I was coming home from school that very day...just 30 minutes after her. I came upon the traffic backed up and as I sat there I saw her car being hoisted on the wrecker. There it was...broken, tattered, one door missing, and the windshield busted to bits! As I frantically drove to the emergency room...I am the only person in my family that doesn't have a cell phone so I was unable to call anyone.... I remember praying that she was not seriously injured, that God would be there with her so she would not be alone, and wishing it had been me instead of my precious child.

I sit here today to acknowledge and to shout out the blessings my Lord and Saviour has heaped upon my family!!! As I was trying to keep myself pulled together on that drive to the ER a song keep playing in my head...the verse that was ringing in my ears was "would you take the nails from HIS hands." That song, for me, is driving home the point of how much we should love our much he loves us! I can tell you that as the verse rang through my mind I was inwardly telling the Lord that I would have gladly been in the car instead of my beloved daughter. And he said to me..."I love as you love...I took those nails in my hands for you and for Amanda...I love her more than you can fathom...I am with her." And with her He truly was!

First, it is a true miracle that she survived the crash...the state patrol, the EMT's, the police and firemen...all who responded to the wreck have told us that. Second, there was another student from Amanda's class, someone she knew who "just happened" to work in the ER. She "just happened" to be right behind Amanda's car. She immediately came to Amanda's aid...trying to keep Amanda calm and called my husband. Together the two of them decided which hospital to take Amanda to...the one this young woman worked at so Amanda wouldn't be alone until we arrived. Then the is the woman we refer to as the "woman in pink". We don't know anything about her except that Amanda saw her for a brief minute, knew she was wearing pink and could hear her praying nonstop. Amanda said even though she couldn't see anything...they had her covered while they cut the door off the car...she heard this woman praying and praying and praying. My daughter told me how this woman really helped her to stay calm and what a comfort it was.

My niece who is older than Amanda and a true big sis to her and works right across the street from the emergency room was able to get to Amanda first . God provided comfort to her...her big sis! Then one of Amanda's aunts arrived..both of them there to reassure her. The doctor working the ER happened to be our neighbor so there again was God provision. We ended up with quite a crowd...grandmother, 2 aunts, 3 cousins, best friend and then mom and dad. Love and prayer pouring out over her! All by the hand of God.

Then there is the blessings at school....Amanda switched schools just 3 wks. before the accident and is now attending the same college I am. Our classes during the spring quarter overlapped...she needed to be there one hour earlier than I but our day ended at the same time. Again, God knew the future...He knew there was going to be this accident, I am positive of that! For the weeks she missed a friend and I were able to get Amanda's tests from her teachers and bring them home to her. Also, being in the same school together I had many opportunities to daily keep in touch with the teachers for her sake. God knew which teachers to supply for Amanda...those teachers showed her great mercy, compassion and caring! They are the cream of the crop as far as people! They were patient, understanding, caring, and merciful to her. In fact, the whole school showed great concern. Teachers I don't even know came up to me and sincerely asked about her health and healing process. God knew and lined up our future to put Amanda in the best place she could be.

There is my friend Claudia...she has come to my house every Tuesday afternoon since the first week and help me storm heaven with prayer. We pray for a solid hour for our children...having praise, thanksgiving, confession, and then petitions. This prayer time has been a lifesaver for me...getting lost in His presence and letting the spirit move throughout me. I couldn't do without this special time of prayer but I also know that there are many brothers and sisters that are out there keeping us lifted up in prayer. My sister had called a friend that knows our whole family, the youth minister of her church to ask him to pray. That was that Friday of the surgery...that Sunday when she went to church and had many questions about the outcome of her nieces surgery, it came to her attention that this wonderful young man had sent out an e-mail to the entire church. God bless him and his faithfulness.

God's protection surrounded her with also a wonderful doctor who did they surgery just 3 weeks ago. He is blessed with the name of John Paul...what a wonderful name to go along with a wonderful servant. My family...husband, son, mom, sisters, close friends, and priest surrounded us with their prayers, support, and encouragement. God brought to us the best nurses...kind, compassionate, caring and good at their job. That was a must in that we, at this point have been physically, emotionally, and yes, spirtually exhausted. But HE has kept His promises to us.."His mercies are new every morning ."

Over the last 13 weeks we, in this family have often looked at one another and asked openly, "Is this journey everrrrrrr going to end?" I have come to realize that the answer is least not in this life! Everyday is a part of the journey of drawing closer to our Lord, giving over of ourselves to him, letting him take control of the reins of our lives, experiencing His fullness, His mercy, His protection, His compassion, HIS PLAN for us. This life is a life of experiences, easy, hard, good, and bad. This is a life that is a battle...a battle with our humaness, a battle with Satan, a battle with THIS world. This life is a life of being molded into the likeness of our Father, of being stretched and challenged to build our faith and dependence on our Creator. This life is about learning to call on our Lord's power and might when we are just to tired, afraid, confused and helpless to carry on another step. This life is about trusting in his word, rejoicing in all circumstances, and acknowledging his steadfastness. This life is a life of humbling accepting the prayers, help, and love of the brothers and sisters he puts in our lives. And this life is a lifelong journey He has planned for us, allows us to be on, and accompanies us on...never leaving our side while we learn to lay ourselves at His feet, allowing him to transform us, following Him through whatever He leads us...."In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will, in order that we, who were the first to hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory." Ephesians 1:11-12