Thursday, July 26, 2007

Being Pursued

As a woman, and a romantic at heart, I love the idea of a man pursuing a woman. The definition of pursue…”to follow, to seek, to find, to chase”. When I was young the thought of a young man seeking me and then chasing me was something right out of movies like “An Affair to Remember”. I was pursued some 30 years ago by a very handsome young man who caught me so that special kind of pursuit, for me, is over.

But I was thinking yesterday that I have been being pursued… pursued every single day, every single hour, every single minute of my whole life. I have a God in heaven that pursues me every second of this life. My God is following me, he is seeking me, and yes, he has chased me! He is relentless, focused, and unwavering in his want to “catch” me. He has put his whole being into me…even more than that…he even gave his only son in pursuit of me. In contrast to some 30 years ago, this pursuit doesn’t matter if I’m charming or beautiful...if I have social skills or status. To this holy pursuer it doesn’t matter whether I make mistake or make all the right steps in life. I still get pursued! His constancy, his devotion in pursuit of me is always and forever.

That takes me to a hard look at myself and my pursuit of my God and King. Is my pursuit of my Lord and Saviour aggressive? Am I seeking a relationship with him unceasingly? Do I him follow him relentlessly? Is my pursuit of being one with him focused and unwavering?

Take this little test and see how you would rate as a “pursuer” of our Heavenly Father. The great news is however we rate ourselves it doesn’t matter to our God….we will still be pursued. He is so enamoured with us that he will continue to pursue us despite anything we have done or haven’t done…whether we are on the social register or homeless…whether we are beautiful or need plastic surgery…whether we welcome him or push him away. What a love story! Looks like tomorrow I’ll be pursuing my Saviour in a whole new way…focused, unceasing, aggressive. What about you?

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