Tuesday, August 29, 2006

So much character

I was watching an old movie the other day….”ESTHER”. It was made in the late 50’s or early 60’s and held my interest. During the movie God was speaking to me about Esther and how he was able to use her for His service.

The story of Esther and thus the book is one of romance but also of obedience, loyalty and service to God. Esther was gathered up with many young women to be taken to the King of Persia so that he might choose a wife. The king was taken with her beauty, captivated by her physical charms, and mesmerized by an inward beauty that radiated through her personality and character. The King was so taken with this young girl that he broke Persian law…it held that one of the royal line must marry a wife belonging to the seven great Persian families. God had a plan and his Esther was to be brought to the throne for His service. The King of Persia chose this young Jewish girl as his wife, unaware she was Jewish.

Mordecai, her foster father, had made her promise not to reveal her nationality to the King until the opportune time. She keep this pledge and dutifully obeyed her foster father. How wonderful it is when we honor our parents with obedience which in turn is honoring our heavenly Father. Not only did she honor her family but she honored her nationality…she ferociously loved her race. But exhibiting honor to her pledge and self-control she kept her nationality a secret until the opportune time. You see, someone in the King’s inner circle, a man named Haman, had become furious with Mordecai (Esther’s foster father), and was determined to destroy Mordecai and all the Jews along with him. This meant death for the Jews which included Esther. Haman deceived the King and persuaded him to issue an edict condemning the Jews to death. Mordecai got word to Esther and she decided to risk her life to save her people.

You should really read the book if you haven’t done so already because my condensed version really doesn’t do it justice. But anyway…. in deciding to attempt to save the lives of her people she sent a reply to Mordecai and told him to “gather all the Jews and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day…when this is done, I will go to the King, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish” (Esther 4: 15-16). What nerves of steel! What strength and trust in God she had!

It is then that Esther invited her King and Haman to a special banquet. Even the invitation to the banquet was dramatic…she made her plans carefully. You see, even though she was the queen and quite favored, she was not allowed to see the King unless he requested it. The King did ask her to come forward but with a heap of self-control and knowing that perfect timing is everything, she invited the King to the banquet I mentioned earlier. He was smart enough to pick up on the fact that his queen had something more on her mind that just a simple feast. So they attended her banquet.

During this banquet the King asked Esther what she really wanted and she invited them to another banquet… again with great self-control, having a plan and being bathed in prayer she conveyed the importance of the matter and asked for them to come to a second banquet. Yes, she had the heart of her King but she was really pushing her own security! It was then at the second feast that she dropped the bombshell…she told her king of Haman’s plot against the Jews and Haman was doomed. In fact, Haman had gallows built to hang Mordecai at and instead it was those very gallows where Haman met with his death.

The real story here is how Esther’s risk confirmed that God was the source of her security. It is also about serving our Master to the limit of our ability, where in His Providence He has placed us, and thus preparing ourselves for a larger circle of service if such be His will. I want the character of Esther…when chosen by my Father I want to be ready to renounce self and exert myself for the good of others. I want my character to show that I have unbounded confidence in God’s Providence—and to acknowledge God as the Author of all mercies. I want my character to show that I realize that there are magnificent and unparalleled opportunities in the place I have been put to serve the Lord, my God with loyalty, confidence and security.

For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?
Esther 4:14

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