Monday, June 26, 2006

"Get over it"...absolutely NOT!

"Get over it!"...I have heard this phrase more times than I can count. "I told her she needs to just get over it!"..."Well, we can't change him/her; we can't control other people. You need to get over it to have more peace!"..."Life throws you some curve balls...get over it!" I don't like this phrase and I try not to use it. Every time I hear it my heart sinks a little. I feel like there is no compassion, no mercy, no understanding, no patience in these three little words. Yet, they are tossed around easily, maybe without really hearing what is being said.

This weekend, when I heard these three little words uttered, something happened to me. A thought came to me that there was one topic was I was not, oh, never, going to get over. A spirit of rebellion you might be thinking?! No! I am referring to my feelings about the King of Kings..the Almighty...the Trinity...God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The feelings I have for Him I never want to "get over". These are some of the words that come to mind...awestruck, capitivated, incredible, inconceivable, indescribable, marvelous, overwhelming, remarkable, stupefy, stupendous, unimaginable, unutterable.

When I wake in the morning I am struck with an His indescribable peace. As I read His words in my bible I am captivated by His teachings. In my pray time as he pours out his Holy Spirit over me I find that my words are unutterable. It is inconceivable that He loves me so much that he gave his life for me. When I look back over my life at the blessings he has bestowed upon me...from His healing of me when I was a baby, through my wonderful years growing up, to marrying and having children, through the years of is all incredible!

The way he answers my prayers and always leads me down His pathways is remarkable. I am awestruck every day just looking at His creation outside around me..all that He has made to give us pleasure..the birds, the flowers, the wild bunnies. He has stupified me with how well he knows me, so intimately...and how he cares for me so lovingly and gently. The people, my friends, he has brought into my life is something I marvel at. When I think of the family he gave King knowing me before my mother even knew there might be a me...and sticking in there with us all until we surrendered our lives to him I am overwhelmed. For me to know He stays with me, my family, my friends and all His children every moment of every day, forever is unimaginable. And the thought that He has given all of us, every single person, a path to eternal life, to a place we will spend eternity in his presence is stupendous!

The mesmerizing way I feel about my heavenly Father I don't want to "get over". The inexpressible feelings I have for my King I will never work to "get over". And I will not "get over" my love and devotion for my Saviour... I will try to only work harder at showing Him that love and devotion. Now, when I hear those three little words..."get over it" heart will not be distressed. My heart will jump for joy and my mind will be immersed in admiration, thanksgiving and utter devotion for my God!


Anonymous said...

Hey Trina,

I will be in Georgia at Six Flags on July 4th. How close do you live to there?

Colette said...

Wow! what a fun place to spend the holiday. I live about 30 miles outside of Augusta...on the Atlanta side. It takes about around 2-21/2 hours to get to me from Atlanta. I live off of I-20 going east. If you find you will have extra time let me know. My door is always open. By the way, my brother had a motorcycle accident Sunday in Birmingham. He was thrown over the handle bars and landed on his shoulder and the blood vessels in his chest burst. Yuck! He was in the hospital there but has now returned home to Montgomery. My daughter was taking my parents to visit with my brother over the holiday weekend but now those plans are on hold. My brother might not be up to them coming. Please say a prayer of healing for him. Thanks dear brother.

Anonymous said...

If you were closer I would see about visisting you. I will have to check the calendar after the wedding and then maybe "The Life of a Princess" and "Bomba Days" can meet up with you and your family for a visit.

Anonymous said...

And of course I will send up a prayer for your brother.