Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Divine Road Map

For me, I have always feared and dreaded uncharted territory. How about you? That feeling of not having a detailed map of our future can cloud the peace and joy that God wants for us each and everyday. My heart knows that God has a road map for me and that he will show me the route if I will put my faith in him. Making my mind join in is the real problem. But in those cases, he has given me yet another lesson from His word…one to help me in my times of weakness.

Reading in the Old Testament, I see that God’s road map for His people was clear. God knew where he wanted his people to go and was faithful to lead them there. There were some things that God used to strengthen His people, and the same things are available to us today as we face our challenges, fears and doubts.

The people of Israel, while standing on the banks of the Jordon River, had one sure thing…they had the record of God’s performance on their behalf, in the past, and so do we!

For forty years, God’s people had been wandering in the desert, yet God wonderfully and miraculously cared for them. First, they got into the wilderness through the miracle of walking through the Red Sea, then God gave them a guidance system. Each day, for forty years, they were led by a pillar of cloud. At night they were led by a pillar of fire. They were wandering, but God was leading them. God spoke through Moses, “I have led you for years in the wilderness. Your clothes have not worn out on you and your sandals have not worn out on your feet.” Deuteronomy 29:5.

This summer, if you feel like you are uncertain of the direction you are to go in…feel the doubt and fear of not knowing what is ahead closing … remember that you have God’s road map. You have the record of God’s faithfulness. And then do one simple thing, take a look at the sandals on your feet. I am sure yours are much like mine…in pretty good shape and definitely not worn off my feet!

Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23

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