Monday, September 12, 2005

I Am Yours

I am not worthy of you but you have called me....I am yours. I prostrate myself at your feet.... I am yours. I fill my mind and my thoughts with visions of you and the truth of your words...I am yours. I raise my eyes and fix them on your heavens hoping to see your glory... I am yours. I lean my ear to hear your soft whispers.... I am yours. I use my voice to sing sweet songs of worship and move my lips to utter words of praise to you...I am yours. I lift my arms up high to you in awe and adoration...I am yours. I recognize that the beating of my heart within me, giving me life, is by your choosing...I am yours. I use my weak, humble hands in service for you...I am yours. I use my legs to strengthen me as I stand and proclaim that you are GOD, the King of Kings, Everlasting Father, Son of Man, Creator, and Light of the World...I am yours. I use my feet to walk where you direct me, the path of your will....I am yours. I am, body and soul, because of your plan, mercy, power, grace, sacrifice, love, and forgiveness. Hold me close to you, Adonai, for I am not worthy, and yet I will always try to answer your call and I will always proclaim....I AM YOURS!!


Colette said...

A hard week makes you very aware. I love you and thanks for reading this morning. You are a great sis!

Jan said...

"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!" I John 3:1