Monday, August 28, 2006

Standing at the Crossroads

How many of you can stand back, look over the past and see the times you have stood at some sort of crossroads? It might have been a relationship crossroad, it might have been a crossroad concerning a job, or it might have been the most important crossroad of life….to give your life to Jesus. We all have been at the crossroads of life; a place where we have to make a decision to go down one path or another. What should we do when we encounter these crossroads and especially when we don’t immediately see road signs directing us? Well, there is a little verse tucked away in the book of Jeremiah that clues us in….
This is what the Lord says; “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your soul. " Jeremiah 6:16
God has laid out a path for all of us. It is the right path and is ancient. It has been in the works from the very beginning. If we choose God’s ancient path for living instead of following a new path of our own choosing we will find “peace and rest for our souls”.

Okay, that seems easy enough but notice what Jeremiah instructs us to do when we get to the crossroads. Those three little words seem to jump right off the page…ASK! In other words we might not immediately see road signs clearly directing us down the exact path we need to take. The Lord wants us to come to Him, he wants to take us by the hand and lead us down the path to rest and peace. One other thing I noticed about this scripture….it is not about just the point of standing at the crossroads and choosing the right path…it also includes the journey. Read this part again, “…ask where the good way is, and walk in it…”. We will be walking in His perfect plan, this will be a journey and he wants us to come to him, let Him direct us and then He will take our hand and be there with us. We will be in His will and that will bring us the peace and rest in Him that he wants for us. What clarity that brings to those crossroads of life! When we encounter them we need to seek his direction, take his hand and journey down his perfect and ancient path with and in our Almighty Father. Then we will find rest for our souls!


Anonymous said...

Hello beloved sister. Good to here from you again.

Anonymous said...

The trivia answer to last Tuesday was "The Sky". (it is actually posted at the begining of Wednesdays post.

Check my blog for a new triva today. I will give the answer tomorrow.