Monday, June 19, 2006

A Grand and Great Salvation History

The following came as a sermon from my favorite priest, who is a wonderful man of God and also my friend. It was information I knew....just had not thought of much until it was given illumination this past Easter. I thought it would be something interesting to share with all of you and please comment...I love your input!

Jesus Christ came as the New lead us and deliver us!

Let's take a look at the similarities:

Moses was saved from being slaughtered as a young child...
Jesus was taken into Egypt as an infant because of the Royal Decree that would put newborns to death...

Moses led his people through the Red Sea from slavery so that they could begin their journey into the Promised Land...
Jesus was led through the Waters of the Jordan River so that he could begin his journey and ministry...

Moses and the Israelites were out in the wilderness for 40 years going to the Promised Land...
Jesus went from the waters of the Jordan into the wilderness for 40 days of fasting and prayer to prepare himself for his ministry and rebuke Satan...

Moses went up on Mt. Saini to receive the 10 Commandments--God's Law for his people...
Jesus went up on the Mountain to give the Sermon on the Mount--he gave his disciples the New Covenant Law...

Moses chose the 12 tribes of Israel to lead the people and 70 Elders to help...
Jesus chose the 12 disciples to lead his followers and another 70 to help...

Moses prepared his people for the Passover--where the blood of the Lamb saved the first born sons from the angel of death. The Lamb had to be eaten...
Jesus prepares his disciples for his death as the Blood of the Lamb is shed on the cross and his body must be eaten...

These are not just coincidences--this is our Salvation History. This is the story of our King, our prophet, our pastor, our Messiah.

Jesus has formed a New Covenant for us--a new family in his flesh and blood...let us praise God we have the opportunity to receive this wonderful and miraculous gift from our loving God!

And thank you Fr. John for teaching us and giving us more to help us understand our faith, which helps us to grow so that we can love and serve our heavenly are the best!


Anonymous said...

I never compared the two like that. It is good.

It ties the Old Testament and the New together. After reading this, people can't say, "Well you can't believe this or that because that was the old testament". etc.

Good Word today Sister!

Jan said...

Oh wow! I love stuff like this! What a interesting way of studying the Bible,connecting the Old Testament with the New,finding the continuity/confirmation of one teaching in other passage,finding Jesus in every story. I mean, isn't that the whole point of God's teach us to SEE Jesus?
I will print myself a copy of this one to ponder later.
Wow...that's cool.
Jan @