Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Three in One vs. Four in One

How big is this week to you? It is a really big week for me. This week is a three-in-oner! It is spring vacation, Master's Week (one of the most prestigious PGA tournaments) and Holy Week .
The schools, including the colleges and universities, in the area are always given the week of the Master's golf tournament off. It is one of the most important tournaments of the circuit and played right here in our town. Some residents of our fair town rent their homes out to patrons coming to the tournament. A large portion of us work the tournament, either inside the grounds...gift shops, resturants, maintanence, housekeeping...or double shifts in town to handle the visitors that come in. There are sporting event companies that bring groups of people here and they need van drivers and hostesses for their clients. Thousands of people descend on our southern doorstep and transform it into one big happy town. The sun shines, the azaleas are in bloom, the dogwoods glisten and, especially if you like golf, LIFE IS GOOD.

Spring break!!! Not much needs to be said. Breaking out of the winter doldrums with a trip to the lake or the beach or just having time to work out in the garden is much needed by now. I remember when I was a young person in school (versus an old person in school) and I knew that spring vacation meant that the end of school was approaching soon! In school, on Friday, there was an air of lightheartedness. There was alot of joking and laughing and not much schooling. Everyone was talking about what they were going to do this week. In fact, on Friday, attendance was down. Some decided to leave early for their spring vacation. Whether you physically go somewhere or not, whether you have some big plans to work or attend the Master's, whether you have things to get done at home or just want to rest, LIFE IS GOOD.

That got me to thinking about Holy Week. Jesus started this week off, on the surface, in an exciting way. He was the center of attention and was hailed as he rode through the streets. Jews threw their cloaks onto the road and others laid down branches that they had cut from their fields. "...the whole crowd of disciples began joyfully to praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen: 'Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest'". Luke 19:37-38

But yet Jesus knew what was coming. He knew what was ahead this week. He knew in this one week he was going from being hailed as a king to having his authority challenged, to being betrayed by one of his own, being arrested and tried, tortured, humiliated and then hung on a wooden cross to die a slow and horrendous death. The following little passage spoke volumes to me because knowing what lay ahead for himself Jesus loved enough to weep and feel compassion for others.."as he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it and said, 'If you,even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace-but now it is hidden from your eyes...because you did not recognize the time of God's coming to you.'" Luke 19:41, 44b.

This week I can choose the three-in-oner...or I have another option...a four-in-oner! We have a schedule of events this week that are unsurpased. Forget spring break and the Master's golf tournament. Instead we can focus on our Master's week...the second option. This week is enormous in our spiritual lives. We have four life changing events...the triumphant entrance into Jerusalem, the last supper, the crucifixation, and the resurrection. How much time have you spent since Sunday praying and studying and talking to God? Are we spending as much time spiritually contemplating where Jesus is headed this week as we are worrying about the temps at the beach? Is this just another holiday...travel and sightseeing to accomplish, presents and clothes to shop for, a big meal to focus on, guests to entertain? Do we have as much emotion for the spiritual events of this week as we do for the events of a golf tournament or how our vacation will turn out? Is this week just a passing thought or have you spent time really taking in the events of this week? How many excuses are we going to find to not attend church on Thursday and Friday?

In this one week all came together...Jesus is establishing God's eternal kingdom, a reason for the greatest celebration of all. How much honor are we giving to it?! Give yourself a little test to see and then, if need be, adjust your priorities. Fall at the feet of our Lord and ask him to help you to honor His sacrifice, not just in our talk but in our walk. Try to keep your focus on what our Saviour is doing each day this week so that you can be humbled and truly grateful for this ultimate sacrifice. And don't worry, I will be back on Thursday and Friday to give you more to think about!

"What I have said I will bring about; what I have planned, that will I do...I am bringing my righteousness near it isnot far away; and my salvation will not be delatyed. I will grant salvation to Zion, my splendor to Israel" Issaiah 47:11b,13

1 comment:

Jan said...

Dear Trina,
Wow. Your thoughts so clearly echo my own. God has an amazing way of affirming the thoughts He has been placing in our hearts.
I pray that His peace and love and the vastness of His sacrifice will fill your spirit during this holiest of weeks. It's so hard to wrap our finite minds around the greatness of God!
Love, Jan